HRC’s ‘Emergency’ Declaration

The Human Rights Campaign issues a warning to be afraid…be very afraid:

Via the Washington Times:
>>Mr. Moran said the problem is that HRC has redefined support for LGBTQ rights to include “trans surgeries for minors, biological men competing in women’s sports, and sex and gender identity lessons in kindergarten.”<<

The gender ideology narrative is failing to convince the masses, so it’s an “emergency”!

Promoting the medical transitioning of gay kids is the real emergency that gay people should be responding to:

Where Things Stand

Continuing on from prior posts about the new anti-LGBTQ+ backlash and how trans-extremism, especially when directed at encouraging gender-nonconforming minors to transition, is undermining the hard-fought gains that gays and lesbians have made:

Gender-Identity Culture Wars Roll On


Debate and Engagement on Transgender Issues

Brad Polumbo ably explains the libertarian/classical liberal view that people have the right to live their lives according to their own values as long as they afford others the same right — a perspective opposed by cultural conservatives who want the state to restrict advocacy of transgenderism and by woke LGBTQ+ activists who want to close down debate on controversies such as medical transitioning of minors and bio males competing in women’s sports, as embraced by those who tried to cancel this event and block people from attending.