The Triumph of Identity Politics Is Not Equal Treatment for All

Liberal media’s erasing Richard Grenell from history is frightening but that’s what progressives do.

Binding the Nation’s Wounds?

This could go on ad infinitum.

Joe Biden’s America?

In addition to the entire U.S. being given the progressive leadership that’s been the fate of New York City and Chicago, here’s what could be on tap, and just for starters:

Newly restored due process rights on college campuses, such as the ability to defend oneself if accused of sexual misconduct and to receive a fair and impartial hearing, will be revoked, as they were during the Obama administration, a move which Biden whole-heartedly champions.

8-year-olds who don’t conform to gender stereotypes are encouraged by their parent and the U.S. president to embrace gender reassignment rather than to grow up to become adults who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or simply gender nonconforming.

New legislation and regulations will roll back protections for religious conscience and require owners of small businesses to use their talents to advocate views that violate their faith or be fined out of business.

Government employees and workers at companies with government contracts will be required to participate, with enthusiasm, in “critical race theory” sessions in which white workers must confess their racism and embrace the principle that America and everything about the country—other than the Democratic party’s agenda—is a tool of white supremacy meant to perpetuate systemic racism.

Corporate boards and executive ranks will be based on racial and demographic factors rather than business acumen. There will be no requirement for ideological diversity and nonprogressive viewpoints will be deemed part of systemic racism and not tolerated.

Pension funds will be required to make investments based on social, environmental and public policy factors, rather than risk and return potential. The stocks of companies that support the Democratic party agenda will be deemed to meet the public policy criteria.

She Used the WRONG WORD!!!

More. Via National Review:

Joe Biden used the term “sexual preference” in May 2020, and the late Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg used it in 2017. Senators Richard Blumenthal and Dick Durbin — both Judiciary Committee members — have used the term in Senate floor speeches over the past decade.

Beware the Word Police.

Worst Ever?

Added: The Spectator USA also noted:

>>To prove its case, HRC has compiled a constantly-updated ‘Timeline of Hate’ to memorialize Trump’s ‘dangerous and discriminatory agenda’. It has yet to update one of the very first entries, however, concerning Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. The jurist’s past opposition to ‘crucial medical treatment for a transgender person’, HRC declared in January 2017, led it to take the unprecedented step of opposing a Supreme Court nomination. Yet in June, Gorsuch wrote one of the most comprehensive pro-LGBT rights decisions in court history when he ruled that the workplace discrimination protections within the 1964 Civil Rights Act encompass gay and transgender people.<<

Via The Spectator USA: Worse than “Dwight Eisenhower, whose executive order preventing those guilty of ‘sexual perversion’ from holding government jobs led to the firing of an estimated 10,000 people”?

Or how about George W. Bush, who called for a constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage (or Bill Clinton, whose campaign commercials touted his support for the Defense of Marriage Act)?

Reagan’s legacy is more nuanced than The Spectator would have it, but still, as they write, he “waited years to even utter the name of the disease which was killing thousands of gay men during his presidential term.”

Also, the worst anti-Semite ever? Netanyahu: ‘Treaty could end Arab-Israel conflict.

Biden voters: