No Accountability for Transing Gay Kids

Andrew Sullivan explains how so-called gender-affirming chemical and surgical treatment:

…overwhelmingly targets gay kids. In Britain they became the vast majority of the children sent for sex reassignment, before it was banned outside a clinical trial. And we know that these “doctors” have no way of objectively knowing whether a child is actually trans or gay or depressed or autistic — and yet they also oppose any broad mental health assessment of a child, if that child has simply declared himself or herself the opposite sex.

This is not forgivable. It demands accountability. These “doctors” know full well that their experiments have no basis in science, that thousands of gay detransitioners have had their lives and bodies destroyed, and yet continue to experiment on children, without knowing if they are actually trans, of if they are gay, or bi, or autistic, or in a social contagion. Worse, every allegedly gay group — GLAAD, HRC, Trevor Project, Lambda Legal, ACLU, et al. — supports this as an ideological transqueer “necessity” and will allow no debate and no dissent.

Sullivan concludes, “What has happened — what is still happening — is the worst attack on gay kids since Anita Bryant. But this time, the danger is coming from inside the house.”

Andrew Doyle, along similar lines:

And worth repeating:

The Side that’s Authoritarian Is Pretty Clear

It’s well past time for LGBTQ+ activists to stop the lawfare against Jack Phillips, owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Co., and trade their authoritarian (you will do what we say, deplorable) attitude for a more just and libertarian one (you have your beliefs, we have ours, and that’s fine).
From the Wall Street Journal editorial, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission acted with particular animus toward Phillips’ faith when ordering him to create a custom same-sex wedding cake:

[A]n attorney had called Mr. Phillips to request another custom cake, this one celebrating a gender transition. He also requested a second cake depicting Satan smoking marijuana. Mr. Phillips declined again on religious free-exercise grounds. The attorney then sued. This is the lawsuit the Colorado Supreme Court dismissed this week….

How the LGBT Movement Lost Its Way

James Kirchick explains what’s gone wrong with the movement that was formed to advance equal rights and social acceptance for gays and lesbians. The advocacy of medical intervention for gender-nonconforming kids who otherwise would likely grow up to be gay is just the tip of the iceberg.

What Contributions to ‘Big LGBTQ+’ Are Paying For

In further evidence of how LGBTQ+ activists and ideologues are undermining the hard-fought victories that gay men and lesbians won, consider this. Charles M. Blow, a social justice columnist for the New York Times, argues that queerness is chosen and we should stop saying people are born with an innate sexuality. Here, he draws heavily on academic queer theory and gender studies academics.

Blow writes:

“Born this way,” as a slogan, was a tremendous cultural and political success. The problem is that it isn’t supported by science. The emerging scientific consensus is that sexual orientation isn’t purely genetic. A person’s genetic makeup and exposure to prenatal hormones may provide a propensity to queerness, but they aren’t determinative. …
But the time may have come to retire the phrase. It is not only unsupportable by science but also does not capture the full reality of queer experience and is unjust to some members of the queer community itself.

Is it any wonder that there is a growing backlash against “LGBTQ+” when queer ideologues are undermining the arguments that won equality for LGB people while, at the same time, they’re pushing gender-nonconforming kids onto the trans train?

Andrew Doyle on what the current version of LGBT+ activism has done to what was once the movement for gay and lesbian equality.

Not only is big LGBT+ activism wrong-headed and counter-productive, but thoroughly corrupt as well.