The Blowback to TQ+ Extremism Undermines Gay Rights and Accpeptance

Gallup: The share of Americans who say that same-sex relations are morally acceptable has fallen during the past year from 71% to 61%. Even among Democrats the falloff was 6 percentage points, from 85% to 79%.

4 Comments for “The Blowback to TQ+ Extremism Undermines Gay Rights and Accpeptance”

  1. posted by Jorge on

    I’m sure those reactionary kids were indoctrinated by their teachers. How could they have come up with it themselves?

  2. posted by Edward on

    The backlash is mostly sold by far right talking points from Christian-theocratic groups.

  3. posted by Shaw on

    I don’t think it’s all just right-wingers or “theocrats” who are inflaming their base, although that’s happening, too. I know moderate Democrats who supported gay marriage but who feel that the transgender business is being shoved down everyone’s throats now, and think it’s way too much. Not sure they’re so aware of the issue with the sexual transitioning of children that Stephen focuses so much on, but they are aware of the growing ritual of stating your pronouns at meetings, which they think is ridiculous and forced, and they don’t like physical males competing in women’s and girls’ sports.
    I also know moderate conservatives who had come around to supporting gay marriage but now say they feel it was, in fact, a “slippery slope” to a more radical agenda. Since it’s all LGBTQ+ now, if you oppose the trans and “genderqueer” parts, you’re likely to now oppose all things under that rubric, including LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations.

  4. posted by Agee on

    Shaw writes: “Not sure they’re so aware of the issue with the sexual transitioning of children that Stephen focuses so much on…”

    I think a lot of typical middle-class parents with kids in public schools are concerned about gender radicalism being taught in elementary grades and are worried that their kids are being encouraged by progressive teachers to question their gender identities.

    I also think a lot of parents know about clusters of adolescent girls deciding that they are male and transitioning together – the social contagion thing – and are worried about their daughters. Plus, they don’t like the sports thing and boys in girls’ locker rooms. So, a lot going on and contributing to the backlash that absolutely now includes gays and lesbians because it’s all LGBTQIA+.

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