The Depths of Intersectional-Left Insanity

Binion adds: “When it comes to ‘Queers for Palestine,’ what’s richly ironic is that many LGBT Palestinians seek asylum in Israel—the same country these stateside protesters are rallying against.”

Progressive, intersectional LGBTQ+ “social justice” activists think that by supporting Hamas and its genocidal policies (look at what children are taught in Gaza) they’ll curry favor with radical anti-Semitic jihadists, the way that Harvey Milk won support for gay rights by supporting San Francisco labor unions. Yes, this is what the intersectional left believes! Coalition-building!

Additional takes:


Progressive feminists are now onboard with mass rape.

And this:

The Rainbow Dagger

Mark Hemingway writes, “As recently as the ’90s, even liberal comedians understood that there was something un-American about the overweening pressure to virtue signal. “

What’s Next?

Andrew Sullivan’s looks at what’s likely to following the achievement of all of the gay-rights movement’s original nondiscrimination goals.

There are political matters on which Sullivan and I disagree, but also many on which he is spot on. And in looking forward, it’s hard to disagree with what’s coming for LGBTQ+ activism. As Sullivan writes:

If current trends are any indication, [the Human Rights Campaign and similar groups] will simply merge into the broader intersectional left and become as concerned with, say, the rights of immigrants or racial minorities as they are with gay rights. In the political climate on the left at the moment, singling out gays as a separate category is increasingly impermissible.


More still.

Pandemic Culture Wars


All of which seems on par with the progressive media and activists’ attacks on the Salvation Army for feeding the hungry in accordance with their faith:

Beto’s Unsmart Idea (and more)

The leading Democratic candidates have a knack for pushing each other further and further to the left — massive wealth redistribution through taxation, gun confiscation, taxpayer-paid abortion on demand until the point of natural birth, “free” college tuition for all, “cancelation” of student loan obligations, etc. etc. But O’Rourke’s latest proposal is so incendiary it may give the others pause.