Countering the Orwellian misuse of language by LGBTQ+ progressives is also vital:
The religious right wanted to “pray away the gay.” Now, the progressive left wants to “trans away the gay,” and gay man and lesbians who defend gender nonconforming gay kids from the new medical-conversion therapy are labeled “transphobes” and “TERFS”—or worse.
It is so weird to write online that I don’t think gender-nonconforming kids, who will likely grow up to be gay, should have their natural development compromised by experimental drugs, only to be called a Nazi.
— Ben Appel (@benappel) September 9, 2023
When the struggle for gay rights was underway, protesters weren’t holding up signs telling their detractors to commit suicide.
— Andrew Doyle (@andrewdoyle_com) September 10, 2023
The violent rhetoric of gender ideologues is just one of the reasons why their campaigns fail to persuade the general