Added: More about the woke-left’s protests against the New York Times for daring to report there is debate among doctors over the speed at which gender nonconforming kids are being rushed into medicalized transitioning.
The key premise of the NYT letter is that coverage resources are misplaced because nothing important has changed in youth gender treatment. And that is demonstrably untrue.
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) February 16, 2023
Read Jonathan Chait on the media mob that tried to silence this reporting in the NYT:
— Wesley Yang (@wesyang) February 16, 2023
And this:
A @nytimes opinion columnist writes a defense of JK Rowling. You can agree or disagree with the piece, just as you can agree or disagree with JKR. But should “human rights” organizations really be in the business of demanding that ONLY perspectives they agree with be published?
— Jacob Mchangama (@JMchangama) February 17, 2023
This is not only unprincipled but also self-defeating. Very likely a huge proportion of Americans have more conflicting views on trans and gender issues than @HRC. Only tolerance for differing views – not least those of minorities – permit trans-activist a prominent voice.
— Jacob Mchangama (@JMchangama) February 17, 2023
And Andrew Sullivan weighs in:
And yet the LGBTQ+ woke brigades care not about any of the evidence. Anyone who points out what’s actually happening, most often to gender-nonconforming gay and lesbian kids, is a “TERF” or a “homocon” or some other silly, dismissive insult lobbied by people who shut down their brains long ago to anything outside of the woke-progressive narrative that they parrot with a veracity that makes religious fundamentalists seem like pikers.