Gender Nonconforming Kids Steered to Puberty Blockers, Surgery

As evolutionary biologist Colin Wrights explains:

>>We should treat children who are different with compassion and acceptance. Transgender ideology does the opposite. When children say they’re transgender, that frequently prompts a visit to a gender clinic where a “gender-affirming” therapist may prescribe puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and even surgery to “fix” this perceived misalignment between “gender identity” (i.e., social roles and stereotypes) and the child’s biological sex.
As an ideological matter alone, this is regressive in the extreme. It repudiates decades of work by women’s-rights activists who rightfully gauged such notions as sexist and oppressive and fought to free nonconformists from social stigma. Subjecting children to body-altering surgery and drugs is a medical scandal of horrifying proportions.<<

Castration of Gender-Nonconforming Boys – Why Aren’t Gay People Condemning This?

Because big LGBTQ tells them they’re bigots if they raise objections.

To repeat, children who don’t conform to gender stereotypes may experience gender dysphoria but overwhelmingly come to accept their biological sex post-adolescence and by the end of their teens, typically by accepting that they’re gay, if they’re not lead to begin puberty blockers and proceed to surgery.

Gay people have been cowed by trans activists and their woke allies, including liberal media—yes, call it the trans cult—to think this is somehow right instead of protecting gay kids.

[Update: Boston Children’s Hospital, facing backlash, reportedly added language to its website in August saying it performs genital-transition surgery—phalloplasty, metoidioplasty and vaginoplasty—for those 18 and older and deleted an earlier revision that set the age to qualify for “gender-affirmation” vaginoplasties (creation of an artificial vagina) at 17. The hospital apparently still performs mastectomies on children as young as 15 who identify as transgender.]
