Debate and Engagement on Transgender Issues

Brad Polumbo ably explains the libertarian/classical liberal view that people have the right to live their lives according to their own values as long as they afford others the same right — a perspective opposed by cultural conservatives who want the state to restrict advocacy of transgenderism and by woke LGBTQ+ activists who want to close down debate on controversies such as medical transitioning of minors and bio males competing in women’s sports, as embraced by those who tried to cancel this event and block people from attending.

Modern Victimology


And this:

And now this!

Thoughts on ‘Woke’

Added: After sharing the linked stories below, I’ve come across discussions arguing there’s no such thing as “woke” and it’s all right-wing fear-mongering. That’s disingenuous in the extreme, so here’s my off-the-cuff definition:

“Woke” is a constellation of academic social justice theories put into practice, including the equity agenda of assigning outcomes based on identity group membership (DEI, or diversity, equity, inclusion); prioritizing climate change strategies in the management of business and retirement investments (ESG, or environment, social and governance issues); critical race theory (CRT) that characterizes U.S. and Western history as primarily driven by white racism; critical gender theory (CGT) that includes advocating medical transitioning for gender-nonconforming minors; and similar progressive nostrums embraced and promulgated by elite professionals and media.

Gays and Lesbian Kids Encouraged to Jump on the Trans Train

Or maybe the tide is turning, and least in some places: