More on Pride 2023

Guy Benson on what we should celebrate:

4 Comments for “More on Pride 2023”

  1. posted by Jorge on

    “It gets better”💫 isn’t just a trite slogan for me. It’s been a powerful reality. While everyone’s situations & timelines are different, I believe that phrase applies in the vast majority of cases. Despite our immense progress, there are still many people who need to hear that…”

    It really is more than just a slogan.

  2. posted by Edward on

    Pride has always been littered with conflict over who gets invited, what political positions to take and how much media influences law and attitudes. Always, always, always.

    BTW, “It Gets Better” is a wimpy slogan. It should be, “We will make it better”.

  3. posted by Jorge on

    Andrew Doyle asks: Remember when the pride flag made sense?

    What they really need to do is add pi, for the extra characters that go on forever.

  4. posted by Edward TJ Brown on

    I bought my pride flag waay back in 1999. For Twin Cities, MN pride. It includes the black color (for people of color) and the pink triangle (for a history lesson). It was seen as rather edgy for the times, but now its probably offensive or something.

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