Puberty blockers stop sexual development, which after enough time won’t resume when blockers are stopped. When adults make the decision to transition, doctors have full packages to work with. But when sexual development is stopped before puberty, that’s not the case and the ability to have sexual activity leading to orgasm is likely to be gone or extremely diminished. That’s an inconvenient truth at odds with woke gender theory and the lucrative business of transing the kids.
This has become a human rights crisis.
— Buffy the Trans Empire Slayer (@TransMpireSlayr) December 9, 2022
Sweeping legal action needs to be taken immediately to stop the transing of children.
This should never happen to another child, ever again.
And this:
1/ It’s quite irresponsible for the NYT to claim that youth gender medicine treatments “have been shown to reduce suicide risk.” In late 2022 there’s just no excuse for this sort of misinformation anymore. I’m at a loss here. These studies have been *so* thoroughly critiqued.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) December 10, 2022
Common-sense comments below are sure to make the LGBTQ+ woke kool-aid drinkers apoplectic. Heresy of the highest order against the new progressive faith that must never be challenged!
If people giving gender-affirming care actually CARED, they’d help us accept ourselves for who we are, not inject us with drugs and chop off body parts.
— KC Miller (@KCMiller1225) December 13, 2022
How is a “gender affirming” double mastectomy considered life-saving or medically necessary?
How did we get here?
Gender dysphoria remains the only mental health condition I’m aware of, in which the proposed treatment is to affirm the distressing thoughts inside one’s head and physically modify one’s body.
— James Esses (@JamesEsses) July 28, 2022
We don’t treat anorexia with liposuction.
We must safeguard children from harm.