Coming to Terms with Reality

Worth repeating: The religious right wanted to “pray away the gay.” Now, the progressive left wants to “trans away the gay,” and gay man and lesbians who defend gender nonconforming gay kids from the new medical-conversion therapy are labeled “transphobes” and “TERFS”—or worse.


Very true: “‘Trans conversion therapy’ … is essentially an endorsement of gay conversion therapy.”

A Way Forward

Countering the Orwellian misuse of language by LGBTQ+ progressives is also vital:

The religious right wanted to “pray away the gay.” Now, the progressive left wants to “trans away the gay,” and gay man and lesbians who defend gender nonconforming gay kids from the new medical-conversion therapy are labeled “transphobes” and “TERFS”—or worse.

Disagreeing with Transactivists Is ‘Violence’

Many progressive young people have been convinced by gender ideologists that voicing opposition to radical transactivism is “violence” that must be suppressed.

Defending Gay Kids

More gays and lesbians are catching on:

The New Neo writes: “The message is of body integrity, goodness, and wholeness, about which today’s children probably need a ton of reassurance. Unfortunately, they’re not watching Mr. Rogers anymore.”

Sage advice from James Kirchick:

And Deroy Murdock says “It’s Time For A Big, Fat Gay Divorce From The Alphabet People”:

GLAAD is endangering gay kids:

Wrapping Up Pride 2023

Ben Kawaller adds: “If the gay activism I grew up with was about securing equal rights, LGBTQ+ activism looks more like a cultural project aimed at reforming our ideas about gender and sexuality. It also doesn’t seem to be able to help itself from looking absurd.”

Andrew Sullivan makes a similar point:

Below, progressive activists want Republicans to be anti-gay.

And now this!