Children and Families
Will Anything Change?
In light of the UK’s extensively researched Cass Review for Britain’s National Health Service, which recommends against medical transitioning of minors given that most outgrow youthful gender dysphoria, and given the under-reported dangers and permanent harms of blocking puberty (not to mention genital surgeries and mastectomies) on minors, will anything change? Judging by the dismissive responses from LGBTQ+ activists, probably not.
Worth repeating:
And this:
The interview below is about an hour but well worthwhile if you want to understand just how awful child “gender-affirming” care has actually turned out to be, and the homophobic ideology that underlies the promotion of child gender transitioning.
U.S. medical associations, now dramatically out of step with their European counterparts, must be wrestled away from gender-ideology activists!
CultureWatch reader “Agee” commented:
The science is clearly going the other way (the Cass Review in the U.K. and the big study out of the Netherlands), showing again that most children with gender dysphoria outgrow it between the onset of puberty and early adulthood, and the vast majority of these kids turn out to to be gay and lesbian if not chemically (then surgically) castrated.
The scandal is how GLAAD, HRC and other activist “leaders” have embraced an ideology that promotes turning gender-nonconforming gay boys into supposed heterosexual girls (albeit sterile and unable to have orgasms) and lesbian girls into supposed heterosexual boys (also sterile and unable to experience orgasm).
The tragedy is that the lesbian and gay rights movement for equality and acceptance is now a trans-queer movement for whatever latest insanity is being pumped out by academic queer theorists.
Will They Be Held Accountable?
As Andrew Sullivan asks, Will Big Trans Be Held To Account?
Drugs used to castrate sex offenders and to treat adult prostate cancer have been re-purposed, off-label, to sexually reassign children before they even got through puberty. Big Pharma created lucrative “customers for life” by putting kids on irreversible drugs for a condition that could not be measured or identified by doctors and entirely self-diagnosed by … children.
And what if over 80 percent of the children subject to this experiment were of a marginalized group — gay kids? And the result of these procedures was to cure them of same-sex attraction by converting them to the opposite sex? I simply cannot imagine that any liberal or progressive would hand over gender-nonconforming children, let alone their own children, to the pharmaceutical and medical-industrial complex to be experimented on in this way.
And yet for years now, this has been the absolutely rigid left position on sex reassignments for children with gender dysphoria on the verge of puberty.
Here’s more:
GLAAD has insisted, counter to numerous research findings, that “the science is settled” and any media that provides a platform to critics of transing minor children is promoting “violence” (of course).
Added: How many times have we been told that medically transitioning minors, who then come to regret that decision, doesn’t happen?
And this:
Yes, an unknown number of kids are trying to rebuild their lives after people who should have known better operated on them and gave them hormones on extremely shaky evidence, but the bad guys are the people mentioning this and wanting it to stop.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 12, 2024
“If I could wave a magic wand, I’d have my penis back” – Detransitioner
— Arielle Scarcella (@ArielleScarcell) April 11, 2024
Can you imagine how hard it would be to reconcile with the fact that maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't have had your son's penis removed? What better validation than an army of copycat parents? How can she give up?
— Lily Maynard (@LilyLilyMaynard) April 16, 2024
Worth repeating:
Just published with @susan_bewley and @hannahdahlen a case history of a detransitioned woman who had a mastectomy and grieved her inability to breastfeed. We thank the woman for being willing to share her story and ask that the case be treated sensitively
— Karleen Gribble (@DrKarleenG) February 3, 2023
More Evidence Gender Dysphoria Among Teens Tends to Go Away — Unless the Kids are Chemically Castrated and Sterilized
And then there’s this:
Worth repeating: Art Morty writes in his Substack column on The Hole Where Gay Rights Used To Be:
Progressives succeeded wildly with their message that homosexuality is normal and harmless. They had science and reason behind them: homosexuality is clearly a natural phenomenon, and it’s illogical to punish consenting adults for going about their business when they’re not hurting anyone. Conservatives, embarrassed and ashamed, were forced to do an about-face.
But the 21st Century transgender craze bears only superficial similarity. It’s vaguely to do with sexuality and with gender nonconforming people, yes. But under the hood, the principles are plainly pseudoscientific and the demands range from unreasonable to outrageous.
It’s in part a result of the resounding success of the gay rights movement, and I mean that in two ways: gays won hearts and minds over to the progressive cause, and we united progressives against our enemies: social conservatives.
… Progressives’ irrational embrace of gender ideology is in part a defensive reaction in response to the increasing sense of threat they feel from the right. Taking a page from the Hollywood playbook, in uncertain times, they’ve turned to the familiar for the modicum of safety and predictability it offers.
The blockbuster boogeyman of the left is not a mechanical shark, it’s homophobes. Problem is, the right is fresh out of those. Most everywhere in the Western world, conservative party platforms are more-or-less identical to liberal ones on the question of gay rights. But not to worry, in this sequel, the homophobic boogeymen have been revived as transphobes.
And this:
The Cass report on NHS gender services for kids is very welcome but there is NOTHING in it that we didn't already know.
— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) April 10, 2024
We knew there was no good or safe evidence for puberty blockers to be given to kids.
We knew most "trans" kids had mental health problems or were autistic.…
Follow the Science?
Youth Transitioning Without Guardrails
And worth repeating:
1 Comment
It’s the Ideology, Stupid
Two orthodoxies embraced by the LGBTQ+ progressive left:
“Gender-affirming” care:
1 Comment
Coming to Terms with Reality
Worth repeating: The religious right wanted to “pray away the gay.” Now, the progressive left wants to “trans away the gay,” and gay man and lesbians who defend gender nonconforming gay kids from the new medical-conversion therapy are labeled “transphobes” and “TERFS”—or worse.
It is so weird to write online that I don’t think gender-nonconforming kids, who will likely grow up to be gay, should have their natural development compromised by experimental drugs, only to be called a Nazi.
— Ben Appel (@benappel) September 9, 2023
Very true: “‘Trans conversion therapy’ … is essentially an endorsement of gay conversion therapy.”
The discourse around “conversion therapy” is mired in confusion, and it is largely the government’s fault.
— Andrew Doyle (@andrewdoyle_com) September 20, 2023
“Gay conversion therapy” is the attempt to change an individual’s sexual orientation, often by coercive or abusive means.
“Trans conversion therapy” is a phrase used to…
No, you definitely will, once your donors realize that many of these kids are gay, and most are troubled teens who need proper mental health support.
— Leor Sapir (@LeorSapir) September 29, 2023
The real question is what accountability will look like for you.
Transing Kids Is Big Business
Sadly, much of this involves attempts to “trans away the gay” among gender-nonconforming kids. Tragic.
And worth repeating:
— Wesley Yang (@wesyang) August 24, 2023