The LGB Resistance
We represent a large number of lesbians, gay & bisexual people who don’t feel represented by LGBTQ+ orgs. We look forward to a wide-ranging public discussion, including people of widely different views, of how best to protect the rights of different groups.#FairnessForAll
— LGB Alliance (@ALLIANCELGB) April 21, 2021
Lesbians, gays & bisexuals are distinct groups with specific needs and rights. Our voices need to be included in all relevant policymaking decisions.
— LGB Alliance (@ALLIANCELGB) April 20, 2021
LGB Alliance is reviving the campaign to protect the rights of people with same-sex sexual orientation. Join us!#SexNotGender
Since @RepCicilline/@DavidCicilline introduced it, people ask us “Why is a group dedicated to LGB rights concerned about the Equality Act? What’s not to like about a law that protects people from being discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation?”
— LGB Alliance USA (@LGBAlliance_USA) February 23, 2021
A thread! /1
Some people struggle to understand the point we’re making. We’re men and women whose sexual orientation is to others of the same sex. #SexNotGender. We see gender identity as a regressive & sexist concept. We make no demands about pronouns since we see that as compelled speech.
— LGB Alliance (@ALLIANCELGB) April 30, 2021
Bruce the Fearless
Fair Is Fair
I want to go in and ask them to make a cake to celebrate a detransition.
— Rod Dreher (@roddreher) April 10, 2021
Good luck with that! Also, worth noting:
Christian baker and Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips made this beautiful dessert for @COlogcabin! Phillips, who won a 2018 SCOTUS case against leftwing gay activists, is once again the target of another LGBT hate campaign. If this is discrimination, it sure looks tasty!
— Outspoken (@getoutspoken20) April 23, 2021
Taking a Stand
James Kirchick writes:
If the public face of the ACLU was Ira Glasser during the latter part of the previous century, today that honor can be claimed by a staff attorney named Chase Strangio … the ACLU’s deputy director for transgender justice. Like many activists consumed by this issue, he is uncompromising in demanding strict adherence to a set of highly contestable orthodoxies, and merciless toward anyone who dares question them. Two women who have—J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, and Abigail Shrier, author of a book about the role of “peer contagion” in the rising rate of teenage girls declaring themselves transgender—are “closely aligned with white supremacists in power,” Strangio declared on Twitter, offering not a shred of evidence for this claim. “Stopping the circulation of [Shrier’s] book and these ideas is 100% a hill I will die on,” he wrote, a rather bizarre position for an ACLU employee to endorse. …
Strangio is of course perfectly entitled to his views about the fairness of allowing natal males to compete against natal females in high school sports, and to advocate for an “information climate” suppressing books he doesn’t like. What’s puzzling is why someone with such pro-censorship inclinations would want to work, of all places, at the American Civil Liberties Union. … Puzzling, that is, until you realize that—like so many other institutions whose worthy missions we naively assumed to be inviolable—the ACLU is no longer itself.
Plus this:
And when other constitutional rights have come into conflict with a First Amendment freedom even more unpopular with progressives than speech—that of religion—the ACLU has made it all but official policy to consider claims of religious conscience as smokescreens for discrimination, arguing that an evangelical Christian baker must make cakes for same-sex weddings against his will (a violation of both expressive and religious freedom), and that Catholic hospitals must perform abortions.
Purposely misleading:
BREAKING: Arkansas has become the first state to ban health care for trans youth.
— ACLU (@ACLU) March 29, 2021
Last 100 @ACLU tweets by topic
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) March 31, 2021
Immigration/Muslim ban: 8
Police reform/racial justice: 9
Voting rights: 7
Economic inequality: 3
Prison: 1
Surveillance: 2
Abortion: 3
DC Statehood: 2
ACLU fundraising: 1
Trans issues: 63
Free speech: 1
Due process: 0
Say it with us: what you call “gender affirming care” is ruining the lives of thousands of young lesbian, gay and bisexual people. How do we know? Because they tell us – years later, after the hormones, sterilization and mastectomies you call “care”. Shame on you @ACLU
— LGB Alliance (@ALLIANCELGB) April 5, 2021
ACLU sues to block woman’s request for data on transgender inmates in women’s prisons.
— CultureWatch (@IndeGayForum) April 14, 2021
The downward spirals goes on and on … and on
It confuses me so much that major organizations like the ACLU make no effort to rein in their most famous, Online staffers. To accuse Michelle Goldberg — Michelle Goldberg! — of peddling "white supremacy" makes the organization look like an utter laughingstock.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) April 19, 2021
And here’s GLAAD, which doesn’t track quite as neatly with Obergefell but is pretty damn close
— Katie Herzog (@kittypurrzog) March 21, 2021
1 Comment
Armed Forces
The military is not welcoming of other medical conditions that require ongoing treatment, but it seems an exception will be made for gender transition.
More on the woke front lines:
More heresy from CFG:
I don’t think its my job to change how religious people see homosexuality.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) March 5, 2021
I don’t feel entitled to demand they view my marriage with equal reverence to their own.
I don’t need them to ‘change.’
I just want both of us to get along in society with mutual consideration. ?♂️