.@CatoInstitute’s @walterolson: “This is not some apocalyptic rule opening the door to whimsical discrimination. This is a narrowly drawn rule for a minority of federal contractors. It’s really not that radical and not that new.” https://t.co/3rpSL6vwVc
— Gregory T. Angelo (@gregorytangelo) August 15, 2019
A Better Way
LGBTQ activists who say we need the Equality Act to end discrimination refuse to agree to a bill that would protect the conscience rights of religious traditionalists not to be forced to engage in messaging and creative activities that violate their faith. It’s not a big compromise; it’s a win-win. But somehow the activists and their progressive representatives don’t seem to be actually interested in winning (other than winning re-election for themselves and their party by keeping the issue unresolved, election after election).
Worth repeating:
Dems could have done an Equality Act that merely adds orientation & identity to the usual list of race, sex, etc., and it would have had a decent shot at peeling off Trump & enough Rs.
— Andy Craig (@AndrewRCraig) May 18, 2019
The gratituitous nuking of RFRA was to ensure unified GOP opposition. Messaging over policy.
Secular Religious Intolerance
Schism Would Be a Blessing
More. Live by identity politics, die by identity politics: Conservative African Methodist Denounces the Racism of Progressive American Bishops.
Mrs. Pence’s New Job
Via Scopes: “The school does not explicitly bar gay, lesbian or bisexual persons from teaching there, but rather states that homosexual sexual acts (as opposed to same-sex preferences) are considered unacceptable “moral misconduct.” … It is a matter of subjective personal opinion, rather than objective fact, whether the ban on teachers’ engaging in homosexual sexual acts is tantamount to a de facto ban on gay, lesbian and bisexual teachers.”
I disagree with the views of the Immanuel Christian School, but I wouldn’t want to live in a country that did not allow conservative Christians, Orthodox Jews and others to have schools that comport with their faith traditions.
More. Apparently, some who have no problem requiring religiously pro-life taxpayers to help foot the bill for abortions, or with forcing nuns to pay for abortifacients for their employees, are upset that Karen Pence is teaching at a school that’s not accepting of LGBT behavior while receiving secret service protection.
More. Columnist William McGurn writes in the Wall Street Journal:
Now look at the Immanuel Christian School. Those who run it know they and those who think like them are the big losers in America’s culture war. All they ask is to be allowed, within the confines of their community, to uphold 2,000 years of Christian teaching on marriage, sexuality and the human person. …
[But] it isn’t enough for the victors to win; the new sense of justice requires that those who still don’t agree must be compelled to violate their deepest beliefs, whether this means forcing the Little Sisters of the Poor to provide contraception or dragging a baker in Colorado through the courts until he agrees to make a cake celebrating “gender transition.”
Today’s militant secularists ironically resemble the worst caricatures of religious intolerance of early America.
Bake Me a Cake, Redux
Religious Animus Revisited
…the first openly bisexual person elected to the U.S. Senate, didn’t place her left hand on a bible as per tradition. Instead, she used a book obtained from the Library of Congress which includes both the U.S. and Arizona constitutions.
The Pew Research Center for Religion & Public Life states that Sinema is the only member of Congress that identifies as “religiously unaffiliated.”
He’s doesn’t look at all uncomfortable. He’s giving her tips and laughing. https://t.co/tAbVDduXWw
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) January 4, 2019
I'm reading a fascinating book about how our ideology influences what we *want* to see the world and how that interferes powerfully with the actual information hitting our eyeballs and I can't think of a better example than this. https://t.co/QyaPyOOEms
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) January 4, 2019
He treated her exactly the same way he treated every other senator. This isn’t everything, this is nothing. https://t.co/E3NaVk2y4z
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) January 4, 2019
Progressives in general are increasingly showing their animus.He literally doesn't look uncomfortable at all, and says repeatedly he's looking forward to working with her. But okay.
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) January 4, 2019
Y'all really will find any opportunity to be victims, won't you? https://t.co/CRytrJD5WK
Catholic Sex Scandals Have No End In Sight
From a Small Prohibition, Dire Consequences
Florist Case Sent Back for Rehearing
More. Tyler O’Neil at PJ Media writes:
It appears Stutzman will have to show what Phillips showed — that anti-Christian bias was fundamental to the original ruling against her. This will prove more difficult than in Phillips’ case, and the odds are good that the Washington Supreme Court will reissue its old ruling, again prompting a Supreme Court appeal.
Perhaps in 2020 or 2021, the Supreme Court will finally defend free speech and religious freedom, explaining that a Christian florist’s decision to opt out of serving a same-sex wedding is fundamentally different from refusing to serve all LGBT people. Only at that point will justice truly have been served.
A bit surprised that #SCOTUS remanded Arlene’s Flowers. Not in a legal realist sense—they clearly don’t want to resolve the issue—but Masterpiece Cakeshop was already a punt, so lower court will now rubber stamp its previous ruling and we’ll be back at same place. #CatoSCOTUS
— Ilya Shapiro (@ishapiro) June 25, 2018