More Leftwing Critiques of Buttigieg

As the race for the Democratic nomination looks like it might narrow down to Pete vs. Bernie, the Hard Left and Queer Left go on the offensive (and not, rest assured, because Buttigieg sees no place for pro-life or even abortion-moderate Democrats in his party).

‘The Most Comprehensive and Vicious Gay Conversion Program in History’

Chadwick Moore writers:

Masculine lesbians, like feminine gays, are disappearing, now being convinced by the trans lobby that they are actually men despite having no clear signs of gender dysphoria whatsoever. …
Old school lesbian and author Cynthia Yockey told me she’s noticed this as well. ‘Dykes of all ages are disappearing into testosterone disguises now that male privilege comes in a bottle. And just when it is safer to be a butch lesbian than at any time in history, teen lesbians are being seduced by social media and coerced by trans activists into believing puberty blockers, mastectomies, and testosterone are their get-out-of-gay-free card’, she said.
‘But the flaming queen boys and butch little girls nearly all grow up to be gay if they have not been socially and medically transitioned. This is the most comprehensive and vicious gay conversion program conducted in history’.
Silicon Valley is eager to help. The crowdfunding site GoFundMe brags that this year alone dozens of users as young as 18 have raised over $100,000 to pay for gender reassignment surgery.

Onboard the Nonbinary Bandwagon

Rebecca Reilly-Cooper writes (Aeon article below):
“And here we have an irony about some people insisting that they and a handful of their fellow gender revolutionaries are non-binary: in doing so, they create a false binary between those who conform to the gender norms associated with their sex, and those who do not. In reality, everybody is non-binary. We all actively participate in some gender norms, passively acquiesce with others, and positively rail against others still. So to call oneself non-binary is in fact to create a new false binary. It also often seems to involve, at least implicitly, placing oneself on the more complex and interesting side of that binary, enabling the non-binary person to claim to be both misunderstood and politically oppressed by the binary cisgender people.”

Erasing Gayness

LGBTQ activists want to outlaw “talking” conversion therapy for gay kids but oppose outlawing physical interventions to turn gay kids into heterosexuals.

Whose Movement Is It Anyway?

I think Brad captures this history well:
After the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide in the landmark 2015 decision Obergefell v. Hodges, many believed the fight for gay rights would begin to wind down. Yet that didn’t happen. Instead, the LGBT-advocacy sector simply redirected its available staff, fundraising and rhetoric to other projects. …In a relatively short period of time, the gay-rights movement fused with more radical campus-based gender and identity-politics movements, to become the compound movement now known as “LGBTQ+”—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, “queer” and more. Even many people within the movement now have trouble keeping up with all the new subcategories contained within that plus sign. … None of these bizarre neologisms have any resonance to those of us who joined the gay-rights movement simply to affirm and protect the basic rights of people to be who they are and love who they choose without stigma or legal sanction. We’ve been forced to watch the simple moral logic of non-discrimination be transformed into a self-parodic alphabet soup of invented identities.
And worth repeating:

The Saga of James Younger


Update: Video at “Mommy says I’m a girl.”

James’ father:

“I’m looking out for the best interests of James, my son. When James is with me, he shows no signs of wanting to be a girl when given the choice. Even when in female company, away from me, James rejects a female gender expression.”

Update: Judge Kim Cooks has now given Jeff Younger a say in his seven-year-old son James’s gender-transition process, but she has also placed a gag order on the father, forbidding him from discussing the case further. What’s troubling is that earlier this year, the same judge prevented Jeff Younger from getting a second opinion from an independent psychologist or psychiatrist on whether James has gender dysphoria.

. LGBTQ activists and media now fully support the view that a boy who likes dolls and otherwise doesn’t conform to masculine stereotypes should be told he’s a girl and put on the road to gender transitioning. —— Woke parents prefer transitioning their children if they don’t reflect gender stereotypes. Who will stand up and protect gay kids? From what we’re told, he sounds more like an effeminate gay boy, to be chemically castrated at age 7 (at his mother’s request, over the strong objections of his father). Is this America or Iran? It’s the woke LGBTQ activists who “don’t give a damn about this child.”

Tyler O’Neil writes:

Where did Georgulas get the idea that her son was “really” her daughter? According to The Texan, the mother said her son liked the movie Frozen and asked to get a “girl toy” from McDonald’s. She also claimed he expressing a desire to wear girl’s clothing.
[Jeffrey] Younger claims that Georgulas had started putting James in dresses and painting his nails when he was three years old. The father also claims his ex-wife locked James in his room and told him that “the monsters only eat boys.” He claims that Georgulas would withhold affection from James if he did not act like a girl.