Before you fan the flames of the firestorm, I'd suggest taking a moment to ask yourself how these changes are anything but reasonable. You can hate Trump and love Obama and still recognize that the Obama administration's guidelines on this were an overreach.
— Meghan Daum (@meghan_daum) November 16, 2018
Not only will the Department of Education's proposed rules restore basic due process and fairness to college tribunals, but they also — given how basic the changes are — highlight just how ridiculous university kangaroo courts have become:
— David French (@DavidAFrench) November 16, 2018
Put another way, her reforms will restore due process.
— Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) November 14, 2018
I occasionally need the reminder why I'll never give the ACLU a single damned cent, despite the many things we agree on (and despite the positive interactions I've had with several of their lawyers).
— Scott Shackford [Blue Checkmark] (@SShackford) November 16, 2018
If only there was a national civil liberties organization that would stand up for the rights of the accused, rather than let the yahoos get away with claiming that adhering to due process "inappropriately favors" the accused. If only.
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) November 16, 2018
More. As Camille Paglia notes: “The headlong rush to judgment by so many well-educated, middle-class women in the #MeToo movement has been startling and dismaying. Their elevation of emotion and group solidarity over fact and logic has resurrected damaging stereotypes of women’s irrationality that were once used to deny us the vote.”
It's hard to know where to start with this dangerous suggestion from @anncoffey_mp that jury trials should be scrapped for rape cases. "Rape myths" do need to be addressed but defendants are still entitled to a presumption of innocence
— Dr Hannah Quirk (@HannahQuirk1) November 21, 2018