Author Archives: Stephen Henry Miller
Transitioning into Heterosexuality?
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Mayor Pete’s Race Problem
More. Via The Federalist:
Overall, blacks lag other racial demographics in supporting same-sex marriage. A bare 51 percent majority of blacks support same-sex marriage, as opposed to 58 percent of Latinos and 62 percent of whites. These numbers suggest Buttigieg may have difficulties attracting black support even if he becomes better known among voters generally.
While black attitudes on LGBTQ issues pose a particular problem for Mayor Pete, his candidacy exposes a more general issue for a Democratic Party whose elites are disproportionately white leftists. The elite response so far, including from establishment media, has been to bury the issue.
For example, three Democratic presidential candidates—Sens. Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Cory Booker—campaigned at the Victory Missionary Baptist Church in Las Vegas. The church is led by the Rev. Robert E. Fowler, Sr., who believes being gay is “enough to send you to hell.” Fowler also has compared homosexuality to child molestation, which apparently caught Harris completely unaware.
Also, Spectator USA: The Unbearable Whiteness of Mayor Pete’s Chicago Rally.
Looks like the media has discovered this story:
Palestinian Authority vows to bring LGBT advocates to trial for organizing events in West Bank. [@KhaledAbuToameh @Jerusalem_Post]
— Walter Olson (@walterolson) August 18, 2019
Palestine, land of progressive dreams:
— Bret Stephens (@BretStephensNYT) August 19, 2019
More. Omar responds:
Pretending that this act somehow balances or mitigates Israel violating the dignity & rights of Palestinians – or undermines case for defending Palestinian rights – is deplorable!
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) August 19, 2019
Courting Reaction
Andrew Sullivan writes:
Subject young white boys to critical race and gender theory, tell them that women can have penises, that genetics are irrelevant in understanding human behavior, that borders are racist, or that men are inherently toxic, and you will get a bunch of Jordan Peterson fans by their 20s. …
Many leftists somehow believe that sustained indoctrination will work in abolishing human nature, and when it doesn’t, because it can’t, they demonize those who have failed the various tests of PC purity as inherently wicked. In the end, the alienated and despised see no reason not to gravitate to ever-more extreme positions. They support people and ideas simply because they piss off their indoctrinators. And, in the end, they reelect Trump.
None of this is necessary. You can be in favor of women’s equality without buying into the toxicity of men; you can support legal immigration if the government gets serious about stopping illegal immigration; you can be inclusive of trans people without abolishing the bimodality of human sex and gender; you can support criminal-justice reform without believing — as the New York Times now apparently does — that America is an inherently racist invention, founded in 1619 and not 1775.
When Worlds Collide
Scott Adams like to say that Trump-supporters and Trump-haters are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
BRAVO to @LogCabinGOP for endorsing @realDonaldTrump for reelection — this statement reads like it could have been issued in 2016 (and it should have been!). Nonetheless, glad to see gay Republicans united as we head toward victory in 2020.
— Gregory T. Angelo (@gregorytangelo) August 16, 2019
The Log Cabin Republicans are “bigots and privileged trash,” writes @Amanda_Kerri.
— The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) August 16, 2019
I am very pleased that the @LogCabinGOP endorsed our President today. It was a pleasure, in my capacity as a member of the Board of Directors, to cast my vote in favor! #nhpolitics
— Dr. Dan Innis (@daninnis) August 16, 2019
After @LogCabinGOP spokesman @CharlesTMoran appeared on MSNBC Saturday to discuss the endorsement, an outpouring of vitriol flew their way online.
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) August 20, 2019
What is the far left so afraid of?
It’s not an attack on anyone. It’s an attempt to see the law enforced for what it says rather than what liberal judges wished it said.
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) August 17, 2019
Hey @TheAdvocateMag you should probably update your silly hit piece saying trump doesn’t care
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) August 20, 2019
Because Our Rights Are the Only Rights that Matter?
.@CatoInstitute’s @walterolson: “This is not some apocalyptic rule opening the door to whimsical discrimination. This is a narrowly drawn rule for a minority of federal contractors. It’s really not that radical and not that new.”
— Gregory T. Angelo (@gregorytangelo) August 15, 2019
Liberation and Exploitation
Hymowitz, a contributing editor at City Journal, also writes:
In 1977, Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, Simone de Beauvoir and dozens of other French intellectuals lobbied the French government to abolish age of consent laws and to decriminalise ‘consensual sex’ between adults and minors under the age of fifteen. In response to a trial of three Frenchman accused of having sex with 13 and 14 year old boys, 69 French intellectuals signed a petition arguing for their release. …
Similar questions apply to Desmond Napoles, a pre-teen “drag kid” who has performed in gay bars and has been the subject of an admiring profile on “Good Morning America” as well as a celebratory blog post by a convicted pedophile. When is a child fully capable of autonomy?
I think that consensual relations between sexually active teens and older men can sometimes be confused with, and condemned as, child sexual abuse. But I agree that when you start removing traditional barriers around sex, and gender, you should be mindful that while some constrictions were oppressive and easing them freeing, going too far in uprooting tradition in pursuit of liberation opens the door to appalling evils. It’s a lesson we learn from revolutions, sexual and otherwise, again and again.
And if a 3-year-old says he’s a bird…
We’ve reached a truly insane place in American culture where a celebrity has to apologize for saying that maybe a three year-old child is not mature enough to make decisions about their gender that will irreparably impact them the rest of their life.
— Andrew T. Walker (@andrewtwalk) July 31, 2019
Rob Smith says when a gender-nonconforming child, such as a boy who “happens to be more effeminate” and therefor identifies with girls gets told “No, no, he’s not a boy he’s a girl…there’s an element of homophobia in that.”
Like #MarioLopez – I ALSO had a conversation about trans kids with @RealCandaceO on @prageru.
— Rob Smith ?? (@robsmithonline) July 31, 2019
As a gay man, I think this trend is damaging, I’m sad that more gays and lesbians are too afraid to speak out, and I WON’T be bullied into an apology.
Leftist Lockstep
Victor Davis Hanson writes:
[Rep. Ayanna Pressley] just outlined the classic anti-Enlightenment mindset: we are all permanent captives of our superficial race, religion, and sexual orientation. We must at all times think, act, and speak in such tribal fashion—and do so monolithically and collectively, in adopting the party line as set down by such elites as those like Pressley herself.
Blacks who oppose affirmative action, or Muslims who recognize Israel, or “queers” whose sexual preferences are incidental, not essential to their personas are thus declared not authentic and thus not to be welcomed by Pressley into the new racialist Democratic Party.
In practical terms, Pressley assumes that whites, reportedly about 70 percent of the population, tune her logic out. That is, they should never take her own racist advice and vote en masse according to their superficial shared skin color. If they did, the 55 percent of actual voters who are white in her otherwise minority-majority congressional district might never have elected someone who, according to her own rationale, is not part of their own tribe.