Author Archives: Stephen Henry Miller
Echos of Another Plague
Covid is more infectious and less deadly than AIDS. It’s not a perfect comparison obviously. But my point about the psychological adaptation and continuing to live stands.
— Jeff Giesea? (@jeffgiesea) April 9, 2020
Wear a mask is the new wear a condom.
Pandemic Culture Wars
I don’t know why this is so hard to grasp, but the people who think my homosexuality is a sin but who would donate their time and money to save my life anyway are far better human beings than the progressive activists trying to shut those people down.
— You Should Have Voted For Gary (@colorblindk1d) April 2, 2020
God bless #SamaritansPurse
All the usual outlets like Buzzfeed and HuffPo are going after Samaritan’s Purse, the mayor’s office has said they are investigating them, and GLAAD put out a statement condemning them for not providing a “safe space”.
— You Should Have Voted For Gary (@colorblindk1d) April 2, 2020
All of which seems on par with the progressive media and activists’ attacks on the Salvation Army for feeding the hungry in accordance with their faith:
No one deserves this kind of smear campaign driven by failing, identity politics-obsessed media outlets desperate for clicks.
— Brad Polumbo (@brad_polumbo) December 4, 2019
New from me @dcexaminer:
Gay media attack Pete Buttigieg for working with ‘homophobic’ Salvation Army
Plague Lessons
Author of landmark plays about gay men and AIDS was felled by coronavirus.
Forgotten History
Conflicting Rights
This does not seem magnanimous on the part of LGBT activists.
1 Comment
Biden and Bernie Vie for LGBT Votes
? ? ? @BernieSanders invoking @JoeBiden’s vote IN SUPPORT OF #DOMA.#DemDebates
— Gregory T. Angelo (@gregorytangelo) March 16, 2020
Biden claims he’s the first member of a presidential administration to publicly voice support for gay marriage.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 16, 2020
Actually, that was Republican VP Dick Cheney:
Voters Don’t Share the Intersectional Left’s Views
I misread Bernie’s broad 2016 ideological coalition as a generic candidate net favorability vote. But it now seems like he combined ideological objections to Hillary from 2 directions, the economic left & the social/racial/gender right, & has mostly retained only the left side
— Matt Grossmann (@MattGrossmann) March 8, 2020
I think both Clinton and Sanders perceived Hillary’s attacks on Bernie as insufficiently left on culture to be effective when in fact they were counterproductive.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) March 8, 2020
This misunderstanding went on to shape many candidates’ 2020 decision-making.
Rural/non-college white vote for Sanders in 2016 was mostly socially right of Hillary and those voters are comfortable with Biden now (and in the general that could potentially include some Obama- Trump voters too).
— Campaign Diaries (@CampaignDiaries) March 8, 2020
Bernie’s association with the “squad” cost him this vote.
A similar point, looking at why Warren’s campaign imploded. Via Tucker Carlson:
“Warren got derailed. More precisely, she got infected with a virulent strain of identity politics…. Elizabeth Warren went intersectional, and it killed her.”
Buttigieg Ends His Historic White House Bid
Exceptionally well-prepared candidate who ran a groundbreaking campaign. He would never win my vote because of profoundly different views on some key issues, but Pete did some impressive things and transcended some appalling ugliness with dignity.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 1, 2020
Not even 5 years ago, marriage equality became the law of the land. Tonight, @PeteButtigieg ends his presidential candidacy as the first gay candidate to earn presidential primary delegates for a major party's nomination. And tonight, you have to reflect on what’s still possible.
— Chrys Kefalas – Text CREATORS to 52886 (@CKefalas) March 2, 2020
This gif is unexpectedly moving. God bless America.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) March 2, 2020
"As many LGBT activists see it, if you’re not a flamboyant queer socialist with a non-white partner, you apparently don’t really count as being gay"
— Quillette (@Quillette) March 4, 2020
And finally…