Fairness for All 2

Because the original thread on the Fairness for All Act was getting too long, I’m continuing it here.

Plus an observation: Ever since the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) was introduced, whenever it looked like a version of ENDA had a chance at passing, the LGB (later LGBTQ) political lobbies would move the goalposts so that it would not have enough support—for example, adding gender identity in 2007 (which was too much even for a Congress with supermajority Democratic control during the first two years of the Obama administration, when no action was taken on ENDA), and now by replacing ENDA with the over-reaching Equality Act, which would, among other things, roll back religious conscience protections under the bipartisan Religious Freedom Restoration Act that Bill Clinton signed.

A cynic might say that the Human Rights Campaign’s worst nightmare would be an anti-discrimination bill that could actual pass, because once it did a major impetus for HRC’s fundraising could be undermined.

More on the Left’s Meldown Over Buttigieg

There are no words that can capture what the progressive left “thinks” (sic).

Personally, I’m disappointed Buttigieg hasn’t defended feeding the cold and hungry directly instead of raising taxes to give to bureaucrats who funnel the money to partisan activists after seeing that consultants get a big share, which the left believes is the acceptable way to feed the cold and hungry.

A Not So United Coalition

More Mayor Pete from the twitterverse:

Slow news cycle for gay political news, so we’ll turn again to Mayor Pete’s historic run and the challenges he faces.

The LGBTQ left is growing more deranged:

Republican presidential candidates often garner over 20% of the self-identified gay vote per exit polls. George W. Bush got 21% in 2004, in an exit poll of LGB voters, down from 25% in 2000. John McCain hit a high point of 27% in 2008, while Mitt Romney won 23% in 2012.

Donald Trump drew about 14% LGBT support. I think he’s likely to do better in 2020, but we’ll see (adding “Ts” and “Qs” provides a different voter pool than LBG, so that’s a factor). In any event, he has more gay support than the LGBT media is willing to acknowledge.

Erasing Gayness

LGBTQ activists want to outlaw “talking” conversion therapy for gay kids but oppose outlawing physical interventions to turn gay kids into heterosexuals.

Unerasing Gay Kids

Relevant tweets:

As above, many parents who want to transition their gender nonconforming children seem not so much homophobic as trans-enraptured.

The result, however, is the same—transitioning gender nonconforming children is the ultimate conversion therapy, but supported by progressives because “woke.”

Defending LGB

From the comments, Jackson writes:
Ironic, isn’t it. The LGBTQ activists embrace the idea that if a 7-year-old boy likes to play with dolls and make-up he should be told he’s a girl and given chemicals so he doesn’t develop into a man. What could be a more reactionary approach to gender roles? Whereas an arch conservative is left to call this out as destructive nonsense.
He adds that:
The LGBTQ movement, with its embrace of spoils system identity politics and academic queer theory, has become progressively anti religious freedom, anti free speech [as well as] anti gay.

Others helpfully comment that one must never, ever, EVER challenge the views of the alphabet people.