‘The Most Comprehensive and Vicious Gay Conversion Program in History’

Chadwick Moore writers:

Masculine lesbians, like feminine gays, are disappearing, now being convinced by the trans lobby that they are actually men despite having no clear signs of gender dysphoria whatsoever. …
Old school lesbian and author Cynthia Yockey told me she’s noticed this as well. ‘Dykes of all ages are disappearing into testosterone disguises now that male privilege comes in a bottle. And just when it is safer to be a butch lesbian than at any time in history, teen lesbians are being seduced by social media and coerced by trans activists into believing puberty blockers, mastectomies, and testosterone are their get-out-of-gay-free card’, she said.
‘But the flaming queen boys and butch little girls nearly all grow up to be gay if they have not been socially and medically transitioned. This is the most comprehensive and vicious gay conversion program conducted in history’.
Silicon Valley is eager to help. The crowdfunding site GoFundMe brags that this year alone dozens of users as young as 18 have raised over $100,000 to pay for gender reassignment surgery.

Lest We Forget

True to form:

Onboard the Nonbinary Bandwagon

Rebecca Reilly-Cooper writes (Aeon article below):
“And here we have an irony about some people insisting that they and a handful of their fellow gender revolutionaries are non-binary: in doing so, they create a false binary between those who conform to the gender norms associated with their sex, and those who do not. In reality, everybody is non-binary. We all actively participate in some gender norms, passively acquiesce with others, and positively rail against others still. So to call oneself non-binary is in fact to create a new false binary. It also often seems to involve, at least implicitly, placing oneself on the more complex and interesting side of that binary, enabling the non-binary person to claim to be both misunderstood and politically oppressed by the binary cisgender people.”

Two Realities

And similarly:

Then They Came for J.K. Rowling….

Progressive love forced recantations:

Andrew Sullivan writes (second item):

One of the long-held principles of the gay-rights movement has been that it’s wrong to fire someone just because they’re gay. Now, one of the principles of the LGBTQ movement is that it’s fine to fire someone if they disagree in the slightest with every claim of gender ideology.
This shift from a “live and let live” to a “do what I say or else” movement is one reason I don’t identify with this activism any more. I loathe the idea of forcing people to say things they don’t believe, demonizing and ostracizing them for their dissent, and enshrining in law penalties for wrongthink. I am very happy to live alongside people whose faith makes them consider me a sinner. As long as they cannot touch a hair on my head or use the law to punish me for what I believe and how I live, I’m fine. But that pluralist worldview is anathema to the “social justice” movement, as it proves every single day. …
Resisting this authoritarianism of the left is as vital to our liberal democracy as resisting the authoritarianism of the right. Yes, I stand with Maya. And, no, this is not a drill. It’s a fight for freedom of thought and empirical reality.


Back to Buttigieg

Apparently, same-sex marriage undermines radical queerness and led to the rise of pseudo-heteronormative Pete Buttigieg, or something.

Via Shannon Keating at BuzzFeed:

But it’s hard for me not to take a more cynical view of the way Buttigieg’s campaign has packaged the world’s most straight-palatable gay narrative: He is a practicing Christian who, according to an op-ed he wrote in 2015 for the South Bend Tribune, believes being gay is no more significant an identity marker than “having brown hair,” and who is safely and monogamously partnered with the first guy he ever dated (whom, he’d like you to know, he met on Hinge — not Grindr). Buttigieg doesn’t have to contend with the implication of a seedy gay past or present; he’s already fulfilled the gay assimilationist dream of marriage, the white picket fence, and a couple of rescue dogs. …
If some white gay men would like to prove they’re no different than your average married straight bro — that they believe in “family values” too! — in order to receive less scrutiny from a prejudiced world (and/or because that’s what they’re actually into), then all power to them. But Buttigieg isn’t just your average white gay guy — he’s running for president, and pretty successfully so far. In doing so, he’s laying out a very public roadmap for gay success at the national level, which in all likelihood wouldn’t be possible without the assimilationist activism of the marriage equality movement. The best way for queer people to get ahead, it seems, is still to act as though we are just like everybody else.