Pandemic Culture Wars


All of which seems on par with the progressive media and activists’ attacks on the Salvation Army for feeding the hungry in accordance with their faith:

Voters Don’t Share the Intersectional Left’s Views

Interesting take on the difference in Sander’s support in 2016 vs. 2020.

A similar point, looking at why Warren’s campaign imploded. Via Tucker Carlson:

“Warren got derailed. More precisely, she got infected with a virulent strain of identity politics…. Elizabeth Warren went intersectional, and it killed her.”

Buttigieg Ends His Historic White House Bid

And finally…

Hopefully, the Voice of a New Generation


A Gay Milestone, Ignored or Disparaged

Well, it’s not like the Human Rights Campaign was a gay advocacy group or anything.


From Andrew Sullivan, who is No Fan of our president:

The Human Rights Campaign’s Twitter feed has made no mention at all — even as they are rightly touting the first lesbian mother in Congress. Why is the first openly gay Cabinet member a nonevent? Because he’s a conservative. And to the activist left and too many of the Establishment liberals in the gay movement, that means he’s not really gay.

An example of the disparagement: