More Leftwing Critiques of Buttigieg
Fearless Political Predictions
If Pete Buttigieg wins the nomination: His inexperience and embrace of many extreme positions (which he doesn’t seem to realize are, from the viewpoints of a great many Americans, truly extreme, especially his abortion absolutism), means Trump wins.
If Bernie Sanders wins the nomination: The exposure of his years lionizing communist dictatorships, which his fellow Democrats have given him a pass on (hoping to pick up his supporters), and the far-left economic-redistributionist policies he still holds mean Trump wins in a landslide.
If Joe Biden wins the nomination: He increasingly seems old and befuddled and Trump wins.
If Mike Bloomberg wins the nomination: Trump is the “blue-collar billionaire”; Bloomberg is just a globalist capitalist who champions policies that hollowed out industrial America. Trump wins.
If Elizabeth Warren wins the nomination: She won’t.
If Amy Klobuchar wins the nomination: At this point, she’s a wild card who, if she hews toward moderate, centrist positions, has a shot. But she hasn’t really been tested and vetted, so odds are still Trump wins.
Today I asked @amyklobuchar if there is room in her coalition for pro-life people. She said yes of course. I asked if she’d try to find common ground on bringing down the number of abortions.
— Chris Crawford (@CrawfordStuff) February 10, 2020
She said “Yes. Yes.” And told me about her work in the adoption caucus in the Senate.
Sanders is clearly the frontrunner at this point. The moderate lane is fractured. If Democrats wish to challenge Sanders internally, Biden and Warren both need to step out now, and Buttigieg and Klobuchar are going to have to determine before Super Tuesday which one is viable.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 12, 2020
How the World Has Changed
Protect Gay Kids from Conversion Therapy
We are advocating the dangerous and unethical use of puberty blockers, electively, on children and cross hormone therapy and elective plastic surgery for minors, should be illegal.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) January 31, 2020
When these organizations manufacture study conclusions to confirm social and political agendas, their authority is no longer recognized and the people must act to legally prevent them from harming children.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) January 31, 2020
Monday’s article in the Times: ‘it feels like conversion therapy for gay children’ say Tavistock clinicians.
— Lily Maynard (@LilyLilyMaynard) April 10, 2019
My daughter was only a year older than this when she wanted to transition. We never referred to her as a boy. She’s now a young adult & a happy lesbian who says her younger self would have jumped at the chance to take T if we had enabled it.
— Lily Maynard (@LilyLilyMaynard) April 25, 2019
“I went to the detransition network launch in Manchester and it had a big impact on me… and I had a voice echoing through my head for weeks afterwards saying ‘They’re sterilising gay kids, they’re sterilising gay kids, they’re sterilising gay kids…’ “
— Jan Skelton (@jan_skelton) February 9, 2020
The Descent of the Human Rights Campaign
Brad Polumbo writes that the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBT lobby, once “worked with Republicans initially to advance the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, an early piece of legislation that would have added sexual orientation as a protected class under federal anti-discrimination employment laws.”
More recently, however, “the group put out a statement blasting as ‘deeply dangerous’ Republican congressman Chris Stewart, who introduced a gay and transgender rights bill [the Fairness for All Act], because it disagreed with some of the exceptions his bill contained.”
A Coach Says ‘No’
Intersectional Reflections
Coleman Hughes writes:
Perhaps the most pernicious consequence of intersectionality, however, is its effect on the culture of elite college campuses. … It operates as a master formula by which social status is doled out. Being black and queer is better than just being black or queer, being Muslim and gender non-binary is better than being either one on its own, and so forth. By “better,” I mean that people are more excited to meet you, you’re spoken of more highly behind your back, and your friends enjoy an elevated social status for being associated with you. …
At the same time, elite campus culture is overcorrecting for more traditional forms of identity-based oppression by giving cis-straight-white students—or at least those among them who are embedded in the intersectionalist subculture—a choice between being honest with themselves and being held in high esteem by their peers. Ultimately, we should want to create a culture that does not provide strong incentives for people to be anything other than who and what they are.
Buttigieg, Faith and Abortion
Timothy P. Carney writes:
Democrats such as Buttigieg could reach socially conservative Christian voters, argues Kathy Winter, chairwoman of the Osceola County Democratic Party, by preaching “kindness, compassion, and caring about all of your friends and neighbors — to the born as well as the unborn too.”
Such a message “could reach a lot of conservative voters here,” Arnett argued. Pro-lifers could come to term with pro-choice Democrats who pursue policies that curb abortion while not banning the procedure. “Saying, ‘Hey, I’m just as committed as you are. Just we have different policies.’”
But no national Democrats push that line. No national Democrat will preach “compassion and caring about … the unborn,” as Winter puts it. Buttigieg doesn’t want abortion curtailed. In his stump speech, Buttigieg describes abortion as “reproductive healthcare” and refers to legal abortion as a crucial “freedom.”
‘The Most Comprehensive and Vicious Gay Conversion Program in History’
Chadwick Moore writers:
Masculine lesbians, like feminine gays, are disappearing, now being convinced by the trans lobby that they are actually men despite having no clear signs of gender dysphoria whatsoever. …
Old school lesbian and author Cynthia Yockey told me she’s noticed this as well. ‘Dykes of all ages are disappearing into testosterone disguises now that male privilege comes in a bottle. And just when it is safer to be a butch lesbian than at any time in history, teen lesbians are being seduced by social media and coerced by trans activists into believing puberty blockers, mastectomies, and testosterone are their get-out-of-gay-free card’, she said.
‘But the flaming queen boys and butch little girls nearly all grow up to be gay if they have not been socially and medically transitioned. This is the most comprehensive and vicious gay conversion program conducted in history’.
Silicon Valley is eager to help. The crowdfunding site GoFundMe brags that this year alone dozens of users as young as 18 have raised over $100,000 to pay for gender reassignment surgery.
This is brilliant. ‘But the T is slowly devouring not just the Gs but the Ls, beginning in childhood, and bulldykes, like tomboys, appear to be going completely extinct’.
— Lily Maynard (@LilyLilyMaynard) January 9, 2020
They don’t even bother to hide the fact that hey don’t give a toss about gay rights any more. Homosexuality is still punishable with imprisonment in Pakistan, yet clap clap.
— Helen Joyce (@HJoyceGender) January 12, 2020