How the LGBT Movement Lost Its Way

James Kirchick explains what’s gone wrong with the movement that was formed to advance equal rights and social acceptance for gays and lesbians. The advocacy of medical intervention for gender-nonconforming kids who otherwise would likely grow up to be gay is just the tip of the iceberg.

Transactivism and the New Homophobia: The Enemy is Within

And this: Both the Biden administration and Britain’s Tory government are funding monitors that label as sources of “disinformation” web publications questioning gender ideology:

What did UnHerd do to provoke the [government-funded Global Disinformation Index’s (GDI’s)] disapproval? After repeatedly asking the organization for an explanation, we eventually got an answer: “Our team re-reviewed the domain, the rating will not change as it continues to have anti-LGBTQI+ narratives. … The site authors have been called out for being anti-trans. Kathleen Stock is acknowledged as a ‘prominent gender-critical’ feminist.”

They did not point to any factual errors — their complaint was with the viewpoints of some of our contributors. In addition to decrying Stock, a prominent British philosopher and co-director of the Lesbian Project, the GDI email pointed to Julie Bindel, a lifelong campaigner to stop violence against women, and Debbie Hayton, who is transgender. Apparently the GDI equates “gender-critical” beliefs, or maintaining that biological sex differences exist, with “disinformation”….