Trump Halts Sterilizing Minors and the ‘Rogues Gallery’ Response

Adam Lehrer and Park MacDougald write in Tablet’s Daily Scroll (link below):

[After] Trump’s executive order halting “gender-affirming care” for minors, … New York City hospital NYU Langone canceled appointments for some children…. Trump’s executive order isn’t particularly reactionary but places our gender-affirming care practices in line with those of our allies; the United Kingdom, for example, banned puberty blockers for children under 18 last year.
Nevertheless, on Monday night, hundreds of people gathered in a park near NYU Langone’s before marching toward the hospital’s entrance to protest the cancellations. The rally was headed by speakers organized by local chapters of the Democratic Socialists of America and included a rogues’ gallery of New York’s left-wing political figures, including City Council member Tiffany Cában and actress and former candidate for governor Cynthia Nixon, whose son received transgender care from NYU Langone.

Added: On the IGF Facebook page, a commenter asked: “Do you understand the difference between Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity? It appears that you do not.”

I replied: “I don’t think a 9-year-old boy knows the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity. I do know that peer-reviewed studies overwhelming show that almost all kids with gender confusion or symptoms of gender dysphoria outgrew the sense they are “wrongly sexed” after puberty (and by their early 20s), and that of this cohort most turn out to be gay — if they weren’t put on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones that leave them permanently sterilized and unable to experience orgasm.”

And this!

Also: “[Dr. Erica Li] said there are signs many children who claim to be transgender or profess some other similar gender identity are victims of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, a situation in which a person of influence makes up fake symptoms or is the cause of real symptoms in a child, in order for the adult to receive social approval.”

The Sermon (and who is actually putting ‘gay kids’ at risk)

Ben Appel writes about the Inaugural prayer service sermon that LGBTQ+ activists and progressive media have been celebrating:

By now, you may have heard about the sermon that Bishop of Washington Mariann Edgar Budde delivered during the inaugural prayer service…. Near the end of her sermon, Budde addressed President Trump directly. “In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now,” she said. “There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families, some who fear for their lives.” …
I hadn’t planned to write about this topic until I came across a New York Times headline on Wednesday, which appeared to take a page right out of a Democratic strategist’s playbook. “Bishop Asks Trump to ‘Have Mercy’ on Immigrants and Gay Children,” the headline read. Yes, Budde did mention gay and lesbian kids as well as trans kids. But let’s not pretend that that’s the population the Democrats, the mainstream media, and LGBTQ activist organizations are constantly fretting about “protecting”: gay kids. …
We need to be very clear: President Trump’s executive order on “gender ideology extremism,” just like the Florida legislation before it, is a direct result of the total capture of our institutions by the pseudoscientific religious belief of gender ideology. If blue-haired radicals hadn’t entered schools and told kids that sex is “assigned” rather than simply observed, that the sex they feel like inside supersedes the material reality of their bodies, and that some kids don’t have a sex at all, then these measures wouldn’t even be a figment in the GOP’s imagination. …
For years now, gay people like me have been pleading with Democrats, mainstream news outlets, and activist organizations to consider the implications of affirming feminine boys and masculine girls as “transgender,” when the research (not to mention our own experiences) tells us that nearly all of these gender-dysphoric/gender-nonconforming/whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-call-them kids, if not socially transitioned, will grow up to be gay and choose not to medically transition. …

And this, a welcomed development:

Even Most Democrats Oppose Medicalized Conversion Therapy for Minors

Ben Appel makes clear why big-money LGBTQ+ groups are so wrong:

And an Inauguration Day post from the LGBT Courage Coalition:

A thought from the LGB Alliance: “Some people believe girls who like football need puberty blockers and a double mastectomy. We believe they need football boots.”

Why Minors Should Not Be Put on Puberty Blockers

Ben Appel puts it on the line in this excerpt from his newsletter:

Click above for his full article, which is well worth reading.

Expect more sad stories such as this on about detransitioners who recognize they are gay, not trans:

Relatedly, worth noting. Wesley Yang writes:

The transgender issue only affects a small handful of people directly. But it’s more important than any other cultural issue, with the widest implications. All those who scoff at my single-minded focus on it are wrong.
It touches on every aspect of American political economy and knowledge formation, every aspect of its manners and mores, every aspects of American character formation, and is the linchpin of the Therapeutic Statism that is the new secularized pseudo-theology at the foundation of institutional America’s warrant to rule.
Any understanding of this issue that does not credit its overarching importance is profoundly defective.

Gay Activism: New vs. Old

Newer organizations such as the LGBT Courage Coalition and the LGB Alliance USA focus on protecting gays and lesbians — and gay kids — while the intersectional queer ideologues who run the Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, and other groups threaten the hard-won advances of earlier generations.

Unfortunately, so many well-intentioned gay people continue to fund the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), thinking it’s the same organization that it was 10 years ago:

Also sadly, local/regional LGBTQ+ groups are often no better, pushing gender-confused gay kids onto the trans train. Increasing, LGBTQ+ = anti-gay.

Supreme Court Weighs State Law Banning Child Sex-Change Procedures

Here’s Ben Appel’s speech at the rally outside the Supreme Court:

And this:

Unbelievable, and absolutely believable:

Saving Gay Kids

Ironic, isn’t it:

As we await next year’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling on state laws blocking so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors (including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, removing girl’s breasts and castrating boys), some state court’s are upholding laws passed by state legislatures banning these procedures: