More Transgender Follies

Gender nihilism:

To the High Court

An interesting take. We’ll see what happens when the case is argued.

Meanwhile, while LGBTQ activists argue for their rights, other LGBTQ activists seek to take away the rights of others, which again may be headed to the Supreme Court. It would be interesting if the court were to rule separately that gay and transgender people are protected from workplace discrimination, and religious business owners can’t be compelled to create messages and participate in ceremonies that violate their faith.

Too Much Protest?

As Dave Chappelle said, “No matter what you do…, you are never, ever, allowed to upset the alphabet people.”

A few examples of protests that seem to overreach:

[Parody that hits the mark:]

Further Lessons from Morally Superior Hollywood Progressives

Dishonest and dissembling:

Making ‘Gender Presentation’ the Standard Was Not a Good Idea

What’s often missed is that actual transsexuals, who gender transition surgically, are the ones most hurt by the LGBTQ movements embrace of the “gender presentation” standard and demanding unfettered access to changing/locker rooms (much more of an issue than restrooms) and other traditionally separate-sex spaces on the basis of “presentation” and asserted identity. In the U.S., the presentation standard as a basis for gender nondiscrimination throughout federal law would be enshrined if the proposed “Equality Act,” as passed by the House, were to be enacted.