Author Archives: Stephen Henry Miller
Back to Buttigieg
Apparently, same-sex marriage undermines radical queerness and led to the rise of pseudo-heteronormative Pete Buttigieg, or something.
Via Shannon Keating at BuzzFeed:
But it’s hard for me not to take a more cynical view of the way Buttigieg’s campaign has packaged the world’s most straight-palatable gay narrative: He is a practicing Christian who, according to an op-ed he wrote in 2015 for the South Bend Tribune, believes being gay is no more significant an identity marker than “having brown hair,” and who is safely and monogamously partnered with the first guy he ever dated (whom, he’d like you to know, he met on Hinge — not Grindr). Buttigieg doesn’t have to contend with the implication of a seedy gay past or present; he’s already fulfilled the gay assimilationist dream of marriage, the white picket fence, and a couple of rescue dogs. …
If some white gay men would like to prove they’re no different than your average married straight bro — that they believe in “family values” too! — in order to receive less scrutiny from a prejudiced world (and/or because that’s what they’re actually into), then all power to them. But Buttigieg isn’t just your average white gay guy — he’s running for president, and pretty successfully so far. In doing so, he’s laying out a very public roadmap for gay success at the national level, which in all likelihood wouldn’t be possible without the assimilationist activism of the marriage equality movement. The best way for queer people to get ahead, it seems, is still to act as though we are just like everybody else.
If one more polyamorous coastal 'queer' tells me Pete Buttigieg isn't gay enough I'll scream. He is — and so am I — my latest for the Independent
— Skylar Baker-Jordan (@SkylarJordan) December 13, 2019
Fairness for All 2
Because the original thread on the Fairness for All Act was getting too long, I’m continuing it here.
Plus an observation: Ever since the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) was introduced, whenever it looked like a version of ENDA had a chance at passing, the LGB (later LGBTQ) political lobbies would move the goalposts so that it would not have enough support—for example, adding gender identity in 2007 (which was too much even for a Congress with supermajority Democratic control during the first two years of the Obama administration, when no action was taken on ENDA), and now by replacing ENDA with the over-reaching Equality Act, which would, among other things, roll back religious conscience protections under the bipartisan Religious Freedom Restoration Act that Bill Clinton signed.
A cynic might say that the Human Rights Campaign’s worst nightmare would be an anti-discrimination bill that could actual pass, because once it did a major impetus for HRC’s fundraising could be undermined.6 Comments
Fairness for All
Find the bill text here. More info here.
In a pathetic display of partisanship, left-wing "LGBT rights" groups like @HRC, @ACLU, & @GLAAD have CONDEMNED a new GOP LGBT rights bill.
— Brad Polum-ketchup-on-steak-bo (@brad_polumbo) December 10, 2019
They're just Democratic Party shills at this point.
My latest @dcexaminer:
More on the Left’s Meldown Over Buttigieg
There are no words that can capture what the progressive left “thinks” (sic).
Personally, I’m disappointed Buttigieg hasn’t defended feeding the cold and hungry directly instead of raising taxes to give to bureaucrats who funnel the money to partisan activists after seeing that consultants get a big share, which the left believes is the acceptable way to feed the cold and hungry.
1 Comment
A Not So United Coalition
More Mayor Pete from the twitterverse:
When @PeteButtigieg entered the race I thought gay Republicans would need to defend him against anti-gay ad hominems from the Right. I was wrong. They're coming exclusively from the Left. He's too white, too masc, too moderate, not queer enough, & raised $ for the Salvation Army.
— Joshua Herr (@JoshuaHerr6) December 4, 2019
No one deserves this kind of smear campaign driven by failing, identity politics-obsessed media outlets desperate for clicks.
— Brad Polum-snot-nosed-lemming-bo (@brad_polumbo) December 4, 2019
New from me @dcexaminer:
Gay media attack Pete Buttigieg for working with ‘homophobic’ Salvation Army
he's making a joke at the *expense of birthers,* you unfathomable morons
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) December 4, 2019
Slow news cycle for gay political news, so we’ll turn again to Mayor Pete’s historic run and the challenges he faces.
The LGBTQ left is growing more deranged:
The @SalvationArmyUS is not 'homophobic.'
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) December 4, 2019
At this point LGBT media is just spreading bigotry and hatred.⤵️
Pete Buttigieg Volunteered for the Homophobic Salvation Army
Republican presidential candidates often garner over 20% of the self-identified gay vote per exit polls. George W. Bush got 21% in 2004, in an exit poll of LGB voters, down from 25% in 2000. John McCain hit a high point of 27% in 2008, while Mitt Romney won 23% in 2012.
Donald Trump drew about 14% LGBT support. I think he’s likely to do better in 2020, but we’ll see (adding “Ts” and “Qs” provides a different voter pool than LBG, so that’s a factor). In any event, he has more gay support than the LGBT media is willing to acknowledge.
Chick-fil-A Action Seems to Please No One
Erasing Gayness
“What are your pronouns?” is the new “are you a man or a woman?”
— Lara Adams-Miller (@LaraAdamsMille1) November 16, 2019
Who gets asked for pronouns more than anyone else? Gender non-conforming women.
The new gender rules command we constantly challenge the femaleness of butch and andro lesbians.
This is an anti-gay movement.
How a recent study quantified “gender identity” in children.
— Lara Adams-Miller (@LaraAdamsMille1) November 22, 2019
Tell me again this isn’t about stereotypes, or sorting out children that don’t following the social rules for their sex?
LGBTQ activists want to outlaw “talking” conversion therapy for gay kids but oppose outlawing physical interventions to turn gay kids into heterosexuals.
Another Mayor Pete News Roundup
Time for another look at Mayor Pete making news:
This is the “like Obama, for worse,” part:
We just need to shut up and let their hate kill each other!
— jacqueline doran (@jacquelinedora3) November 21, 2019
Harris Slams Buttigieg for Claiming Being Gay ‘Connects’ Him to Black Voters – ✅
Via – @NeonNettle#NeonNettle
Unerasing Gay Kids
Relevant tweets:
Often adults who support transitioning kids and young people are incredibly homophobic. Often the kids suffer from internalised homophobia. We need to square up to this & openly support SAME-SEX attraction, not hide it behind a zillion genders & a ton of rainbow-coloured woowoo.
— Lily Maynard (@LilyLilyMaynard) November 7, 2019
My daughter was only a year older than this when she wanted to transition. We never referred to her as a boy. She’s now a young adult & a happy lesbian who says her younger self would have jumped at the chance to take T if we had enabled it.
— Lily Maynard (@LilyLilyMaynard) April 25, 2019
I absolutely think the child transition movement is being driven by parents who won’t accept homosexuality or gender non-conformity.
— Cheryl (@ShadowShook) November 7, 2019
"Dempsey, who is now eight, would gravitate towards dolls dresses and sparkly objects". And now mom gets to wear a 'trans ally' T shirt! Without sexist stereotypes there can be no transgender child.
— Lily Maynard (@LilyLilyMaynard) November 12, 2019
As above, many parents who want to transition their gender nonconforming children seem not so much homophobic as trans-enraptured.
The result, however, is the same—transitioning gender nonconforming children is the ultimate conversion therapy, but supported by progressives because “woke.”