More Leftwing Critiques of Buttigieg

As the race for the Democratic nomination looks like it might narrow down to Pete vs. Bernie, the Hard Left and Queer Left go on the offensive (and not, rest assured, because Buttigieg sees no place for pro-life or even abortion-moderate Democrats in his party).

5 Comments for “More Leftwing Critiques of Buttigieg”

  1. posted by Jorge on

    Hillary Clinton turned her back on women.

    Barack Obama “isn’t black like me”.

    John Kerry is excommunicate.

    In the Democratic party, “no prophet is accepted in his own native place.”

    By the way, I can’t find anything on who LGBT voters supported in the New Hampshire primary. NBC News reported its exit polls had LGBT voters as 7% of the vote… but I can’t find anything published that shows the poll itself, much less how many LGBT voters supported whom.

    I would infer that there simply is no news to be made from that statistic.

  2. posted by Tom Scharbach on

    Another “not gay enough” critique of Pete Buttigieg from the queer left, calling him “a straight politician in a gay man’s body.”

    Mayor Buttigieg has long shrugged off “not gay enough” criticism in the past, just as he is likely to shrug off emerging attacks from the right.

    As an aside, I was glad to see that President Trump said that he would vote for a gay candidate for President if and when one emerges from the Republican ranks. If he lives another 50 years, he might get the chance. Maybe he should have a talk with Rush, though, telling him to cool it with the “manly man” horse hockey.

    • posted by Jorge on

      Maybe he should have a talk with Rush, though, telling him to cool it with the “manly man” horse hockey.

      My goodness, a commentary on Limbaugh that isn’t hyperventilating. I’ve come back to Earth.

      (No, dear, you’ve simply escaped from New York.)

      We won’t see Trump wave the pride flag again because the Secret Service would need to test it for terrorism (contact poison, hidden needles and all that). We simply will have to get him to talk during the convention again.

    • posted by Tom Scharbach on

      We simply will have to get him to talk during the convention again.

      Maybe we can get him to explain how his administration’s systematic rollback of Obama-era protections for gays and lesbians are “gay supportive”.

  3. posted by JohnInCA on

    For crying out loud Miller, is it too much to ask that you edit and date your edits when you go back and add stuff to older posts?

    That said? Dreher wants you to live and die alone in a closet. He claims he doesn’t support sodomy laws, but he wants the compliance and “quiet” that their threat created. Maybe Trump would vote for an otherwise-qualified presidential candidate, but Dreher would not.

    No amount of trans-bashing is going to get Dreher’s style of die-hard conservative to like you, Miller. And trying to get an alliance with folk like him won’t save you. It’ll just save you for last.

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