And on it goes…

At age 16, Laura Becker says she “learned about the concept of ‘gender identity’—a discovery (if that is the right word)…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Thursday, November 21, 2024

When one parent wants to trans their child, and the other parent wants to save their child from life-long medicalization, bodily mutilation, sterility and the inability to experience orgasm as adults, guess who woke judges side with:

Via The Distance: A Minnesota father faces prison for objecting to his child's mother transitioning their daughter…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Worth repeating:

Sam Harris writes: >>I want to be very clear about this: I have no doubt that there are real cases of gender dysphoria,…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Tuesday, November 12, 2024


At WokeSpy, Josh Slocum writes: >> I was born in 1974, and grew up before it occurred to any sane person that a child…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Friday, November 8, 2024

Closing Down Dialogue on Transing Kids

Remind me again, which side is made up of censorious authoritarians who think only their viewpoint should be allowed to be expressed?
The irony is that Ben Shapiro is actually defending gay kids against a cult that’s telling them because they’re gender-nonconforming they need puberty blockers and genital surgery, after which they can become happy heterosexuals.

[Double irony: Facebook removed this post from the IGF CultureWatch Facebook page because it “violated community standards.” Twitter, now, is not as censorious.]

And this:

More Election Post-Mortems

Andrew Sullivan explores further how the Democrats lost their way. He writes, regarding the party’s support for bio-male boys playing in girls’ sports and sex-transitioning for gender-nonconforming kids:

One thing you notice about the [social justice warrior] pushback: they never actually rebut any of the concerns about fairness in sports, which is the nub of the issue. They don’t rebut it, because they cannot rebut it, even though some have tried. Nor do they ever engage with the fast-changing facts and research on “gender-affirming care,” i.e. sex reassignment for children. In fact, they do all they can to suppress journalism and hound reporters because this subject has been determined “not up for debate.”

And so transness is sacralized, made inviolable, and any weighing of the evidence is regarded not as part of a reasonable debate but as a kind of blasphemy.

More from Sullivan below.

Andrew Sullivan writes: >>…the transqueer activists then portray themselves as merely the latest people to be “on the…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Friday, November 15, 2024

Here’s Guy Benson on the fear-mongering by LGBTQ+ activists that’s left many gay people convinced their marriages are about to be annulled (so send you checks today!!!!):

:Exhales: Okay, here we go: No. 1) Obergefell isn’t going anywhere & I’d bet SCOTUS lacks the votes (they’d need 4) to even take up a hypothetical challenge. 2) Even if they somehow overturned that case (they won’t), Congress passed a bipartisan law, signed by Biden, further protecting/enshrining same-sex marriage. 3) SCOTUS expanded LGBT protections in a ruling authored by a Trump appointee (Bostock/Gorsuch). 4) Whatever else you think of him, Donald Trump is *openly pro-SSM.* He even hosted a gay wedding at his house. I’m not asking liberal or progressive gays to become Republicans. I am asking them to stop fear-mongering about this.

And posted by Ben Appel:

If you have an hour to spare, watch Brianna Wu on a post-election TRIGGERnometry podcast, on how Democrats (she's one) lost their way on gender and other issues.

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Friday, November 15, 2024

Transinsanity and the GOP Victory

The progressive left’s embrace of promoting the transing of gender-nonconforming kids and letting boys who “identify” as female compete against girls in high school and college sports was one of the reasons sane people chose to vote for Trump, despite everything. Sadly, a rationale approach to treating transgender adults is lost in the extremism targeting (often gay) kids for transitioning, or letting gender-dysphoric boys or often-fetishicistic men (who “identify” as female but are physically male) use women’s locker rooms and showers.

When progressives are challenged, their response is typically to end the debate by lobbing the accusation of “transphobe” or “fascist.” The “slur” in the clip below that caused the progressive to throw a tantrum was referring to male minors who identify as female (or, who have been indoctrinated into getting on the trans train because they are gender-nonconforming) as “boys.”

And this:

Rich Lowry writes: >>The problem is that progressives consider whatever new boutique obsession they’ve come up with at…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Sunday, November 10, 2024

Plus this, from liberal Sam Harris, who endorsed Kamala:

Sam Harris writes: >>I want to be very clear about this: I have no doubt that there are real cases of gender dysphoria,…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Tuesday, November 12, 2024

And from another sane liberal:

Nick Tyrone writes: >>If you’re a grown-up, have had an adequate amount of therapy to rule out other possibilities and…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Democrats No Longer Good for Gays

Ben Appel explains in Why I’m Not Voting why he can’t vote for a political party whose policies put gender-nonconforming gay kids at risk:

The progressive position, embraced by Democrats, used to be that there was no “right way” to be a boy or a girl. That boys can like dolls and girls can play football. Not so today. Today, so-called progressives tell young boys that if they like pink, mermaids, and long, flowing dresses, they might be girls “on the inside,” and they tell young girls that if they prefer short hair and hate makeup, they might really be boys.
What we have known for years, decades, maybe centuries, is that most gender-nonconforming children—that is, butch girls or girly boys, like the sissy little boy I once was—will grow up to be gay. And yet the Democratic Party advocates for medical treatments that block the natural development of these young people. Medical treatments that leave them sterile and often sexually nonfunctional. Medical treatments that began as nothing more than an attempt to turn homosexual young people into straight adults.
Talk about conversion therapy!
This is not progressive. This is regressive, illiberal, and antigay.
And, like Donald Trump’s election denial, it is inexcusable.

Note: When I tried to post this on the IGF CultureWatch Facebook page, Facebook’s censors removed it as “inappropriate.” It’s true, Facebook is censoring posts that its progressive gate-keepers see as critical of Democrats on the eve of the election!

More from Ben, post-election:

Ben Appel’s election reflections, which hopefully Facebook’s moderators won’t remove (as they did my attempts to post…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Friday, November 8, 2024

And this:

Here's hoping that the U.S. Supreme Court next year will allow U.S. states to do the same.

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Friday, November 8, 2024

Uncovering the Hidden Truth About Childhood Gender Dysphoria

Eliza Mondegreen asks why gender clinicians are withholding research findings that giving puberty blockers to minors with gender dysphoria doesn't improve their mental health.

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Thursday, October 24, 2024

And more:

Art Morty writes: >>Stereotypically feminine-acting boys and stereotypically masculine-acting girls are perfectly…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Friday, October 25, 2024

And this:

Tom Knighton writes: >>For all the sins of the trans movement and their aggressive assault on childhood, the idea of…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Tuesday, October 22, 2024

No Accountability for Transing Gay Kids

Andrew Sullivan explains how so-called gender-affirming chemical and surgical treatment:

…overwhelmingly targets gay kids. In Britain they became the vast majority of the children sent for sex reassignment, before it was banned outside a clinical trial. And we know that these “doctors” have no way of objectively knowing whether a child is actually trans or gay or depressed or autistic — and yet they also oppose any broad mental health assessment of a child, if that child has simply declared himself or herself the opposite sex.

This is not forgivable. It demands accountability. These “doctors” know full well that their experiments have no basis in science, that thousands of gay detransitioners have had their lives and bodies destroyed, and yet continue to experiment on children, without knowing if they are actually trans, of if they are gay, or bi, or autistic, or in a social contagion. Worse, every allegedly gay group — GLAAD, HRC, Trevor Project, Lambda Legal, ACLU, et al. — supports this as an ideological transqueer “necessity” and will allow no debate and no dissent.

Sullivan concludes, “What has happened — what is still happening — is the worst attack on gay kids since Anita Bryant. But this time, the danger is coming from inside the house.”

Andrew Doyle, along similar lines:

And worth repeating:

The Side that’s Authoritarian Is Pretty Clear

It’s well past time for LGBTQ+ activists to stop the lawfare against Jack Phillips, owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Co., and trade their authoritarian (you will do what we say, deplorable) attitude for a more just and libertarian one (you have your beliefs, we have ours, and that’s fine).
From the Wall Street Journal editorial, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission acted with particular animus toward Phillips’ faith when ordering him to create a custom same-sex wedding cake:

[A]n attorney had called Mr. Phillips to request another custom cake, this one celebrating a gender transition. He also requested a second cake depicting Satan smoking marijuana. Mr. Phillips declined again on religious free-exercise grounds. The attorney then sued. This is the lawsuit the Colorado Supreme Court dismissed this week….