It Could Happen Here

LGBTQ+ progressives here would also like to take cancel culture to the next level.

2 Comments for “It Could Happen Here”

  1. posted by Tom Scharbach on

    LGBTQ+ progressives here would also like to take cancel culture to the next level.

    Really? In which Alt-Fact universe is there a movement among LGBTQ+ progressives to repeal the First Amendment and allow the government to abridge the freedom of speech? Wait, wait — don’t tell me. I know — the MAGAverse!

    We parted ways with England close to 250 years ago, and that the First Amendment’s protection of free speech against government abridgement was a direct result of the English government’s refusal to protect free speech and peaceful assembly in the Colonies. You do know that, right?

  2. posted by Edward TJ Brown on

    Again, both sides really believe on free speech, when they like the content. Not so much when they don’t like the content.

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