Two law enforcement sources say Chicago Police believe actor Jussie Smollett paid two men to orchestrate an assault on him that he reported last month. A spokesman for Chicago Police says they are waiting to hear back from Smollett, @Ryanyoungnews reports.
— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) February 17, 2019
I’m sure there’s some nasty stuff out there. But wasn’t there also some downright giddiness in the reactions to the initial report from progressives who thought it validated their “MAGA hats = white hoods/Nazi armbands” assumptions? and wasn’t that also pretty gross?
— Cathy Young (@CathyYoung63) February 17, 2019
I don’t share this “real hate crimes won’t be believed now” concern
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) February 17, 2019
Real hate crimes are just that- real. They sound that way. They’re plausible. The facts add up. And they’re heinous.
But this was -always- obviously fake. It has no effect on what’s real. It changes nothing.
Cruisin’ Cory Booker is going with the “factually incorrect but morally right” defense of Jussie Smollett’s hoax.
— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) February 17, 2019
The Washington Blade seems to be doing the same.
“This is MAGA country” is something that someone who is terrified of Trump voters- but doesn’t know any Trump voters- would think that Trump voters would say
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) February 17, 2019
“This is MAGA Country,” said no one ever in downtown Chicago.
— Jeff Giesea? (@jeffgiesea) February 15, 2019
The #JussieSmollett thing has been an obvious scam from the start, and the media & Democrats bought it hook, line, and sinker. The sick thing is, they wanted it to be true. Embarrassing.
3 Comments for “Jussie Smollett: Truth vs. Narrative”
posted by Jorge on
You should have seen the look on my friend’s usually poker-face when I even suggested it might be fake news.
Personally I thought it was most likely a genuine attack in which the victim made up one or more details (namely the ridiculous on its face MAGA statement)–we had one of those in NYC when I was growing up. Most of the other bizarre details could be explained one way or another. There’s a lot of justified paranoia toward the authorities among minority gays.
I believe it remains possible the attack was genuine and the motivation was personal or homophobic. We’ll know for certain once we find the money the brothers were supposedly paid in advance. Any minute now we will learn the innocuous reason behind it… or not.
I’m not giddy. But I am angry. I think the brothers should still be charged. Unacceptable. That’s when Mr. Smollett will get his.
posted by MDBuck on
I honestly knew this had a rotten ring to it from the get-go. There have been numerous, similar hoaxes that all have someone being “victimized” at the hands of a crazed Trump supporter. And today’s ersatz “journalists” are all too willing to lap up every morsel.
The fact that the dinwitted Booker is holding on to the narrative with both hands only makes it more laughable.
posted by MR Bill on
AS a sometimes journalist, and skeptic, I generally assume stories about media figures, and those figures claims need to work out in the press before going all in on buying into said claims.
Like a lot of folks on the left, I thought Smolett’s claims possible: but the accumulation of detail (it was the refusal to turn over cell phone to police that made me go “hummmm”…) made it seem shadier as the narrative grew.
Now it appears the events were a staged attempt to…get sympathy and a higher salary? If true, Mr. Smolett is prey to complex stupidity.