Cracks in the Wall

I almost hesitate to post this because many of our self-styled "progressive" readers take such intense offense at any item taking note of gay Republican efforts to work with their party's leadership toward moderating the GOP's traditional anti-gay stance. But this is worth pointing out: Staunchly conservative Texas GOP Sen. John Cornyn will speak at the Log Cabin Republicans 2010 National Dinner in Washington, D.C. (event details and speakers here).

Yes, he opposes gay marriage. Yes, he wants to wait until the military study concludes before addressing don't ask, don't tell. Yes (all together now): Democrats are better on gay issues (although, as noted in the previous post, much of this is rhetorical). Cornyn's speaking at the fundraiser is still a positive sign.

As the senator put it, same-sex marriage is "absolutely" one of those things he and LCR members don't agree on, but "I don't want people to misunderstand and think that I don't respect the dignity of every human being regardless of sexual orientation."

Forward-looking conservatives know that their party has to moderate its views on gays (and the Texas GOP is among the most reactionary pillars of gay rejectionism within the party). So this should be viewed, and welcomed, as a sign of the times. We won't achieve gay legal equality until there is support within both parties, despite those who protests that backing the "progressive" party and maximizing its power over the country is the best strategy (well, it's best for that party and its partisans, I guess).

48 Comments for “Cracks in the Wall”

  1. posted by BobN on

    I can’t help but note that the author of the article failed to fully present the Texas GOP’s position:

    Homosexuality – We believe that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown

    of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the

    fundamental, unchanging truths that have been

    ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be

    presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle in our public education and policy, nor should “family” be redefined to

    include homosexual “couples.” We are opposed to any granting of special legal entitlements, refuse to recognize, or grant

    special privileges including, but not limited to: marriage between persons of the same sex (regardless of state of origin),

    custody of children by homosexuals, homosexual partner insurance or retirement benefits. We oppose any criminal or civil

    penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.

    Texas Sodomy Statutes – We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority

    granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.

    Cornyn opposes SSM and civil unions and adoption, etc.

    You want to sit down to dinner with him? Fine. Just don’t put lipstick on the pig.

    He’ll raise money from gay Republicans to support the GOP. Don’t be deluded about what you’ll get in return.

  2. posted by Jimmy on

    “Cornyn opposes SSM and civil unions and adoption, etc.”

    Her certainly won’t oppose the campaign donation these self-loathers will deliver into his pocket.

  3. posted by Doug on

    “I don’t want people to misunderstand and think that I don’t respect the dignity of every human being regardless of sexual orientation.”

    But you can’t get married, adopt children, teach in school or have sex.

    What a fucking hypocrite pandering to the gay community to raise money and apparently some of us are stupid enough to fall for this crap. Count me out. I have enough self respect not to fall for this crap.

  4. posted by Carl on

    At least the box turtles seem to be a thing of the past…

  5. posted by Greg on

    I don’t often agree with Steve, but I think he is right to see this as progress.

    Certainly not enough to warrent supporting Cornyn, but the fact he’s even willing to be in the same room as LCR is progress.

  6. posted by John on

    Well apparently, Doug, quite a number of gay Charlie Browns have fallen time and time again for the Dems’ Lucy swearing to hold the football steady so what’s the difference? Meaningless rhetoric whispered in our ears while the economy goes down the drain? Not buying it.

  7. posted by Doug on

    Greg, the only reason he’s willing to be in same room is because he want’s money and I’ll bet he get some too. He’s pandering and disingenuous at best. How do you respect someone and deny them rights?

    John, who said anything about supporting Democrats on gay issues we are talking about the hypocrisy of John Cornyn giving us respect and denying us any rights whatsoever. Typical argument, any time a Republican is criticized the response is the Democrats to it too. Please address the issue as stated.

  8. posted by David Link on

    Yes, this is “a sign of the times.” Sadly, we’re talking Texas, so the times are circa 1954. Cornyn gets credit for moving beyond his party’s denial that gay people can be talked to as gay people, so there’s that. But when condescension and patronization are the bars you’re trying to leap over, you don’t deserve much in the way of praise for completing the task . . .

  9. posted by Bobby on

    Cornyn is courageous for meeting LCR when he knows fundamentalists are gonna be pissed off at him for doing so. Besides, Cornyn is better than Obama, hell, a chair is better than Obama.

  10. posted by North Dallas Thirty on

    John, who said anything about supporting Democrats on gay issues we are talking about the hypocrisy of John Cornyn giving us respect and denying us any rights whatsoever. Typical argument, any time a Republican is criticized the response is the Democrats to it too. Please address the issue as stated.

    That IS the issue.

    What you fundamentally don’t get is that the Republicans are fully and completely aware that the gay and lesbian community endorses and supports politicians and parties who push gay-sex marriage bans, condemn gays on religious grounds, and discriminate against gays in employment.

    Long story short, you’re screaming at Cornyn about “denying rights” even as you insist that “denying rights” is perfectly OK when Obama Party members are doing it.

    Since these so-called “rights” seemingly vanish and reappear based on political affiliation, let’s just call your behavior what it is: a childish and irrational attempt to justify your bigotry using your minority status.

  11. posted by Doug on

    NDT, where did I insist denying rights is perfectly OK if Obama or Democrats do it? As typical you attribute your words to me, which I never said, to argue against me. I’ve strenuously bashed Obama and other Democrats for their hypocrisy in not following through on their rhetoric.

    That being said I give credit to those to talk positively, and don’t bash me, about gay rights as opposed to those like Cornyn who claim to ‘respect’ me but want to pass laws that make me a criminal for being gay and fully supporting the Texas GOP.

    Do any Republicans support domestic partnership for Federal employees as Obama just put into practice? Are any Republicans supporting repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell?

  12. posted by another steve on

    It’s funny how well Miller predicted the responses from the “progressive” readers of this blog — he nailed it, and they don’t even get how ideologically uniform their responses are.

  13. posted by dc on

    Ok. I have a question for the conservatives. Is trying to win support among straight (super)conservative republicans based off some sort of childish need or want? It seems like Steve Miller and so many other gay men on this blog are so desperate to have republicans like/respect/”recognize the human dignity” of gays. Why? Why should we be trying to gain respect/recognition of our “dignity” (I laugh writing “our dignity” because it sounds so stupid) among conservatives (and support their view for this country) if they too (like the Democrats) do not believe in gay equality. Yes, we can try to convince them, but isn’t that the same thing gay activists did with Democrats years ago? A little behind, ehe? And look at what that did for gays in this country.

  14. posted by North Dallas Thirty on

    I’ve strenuously bashed Obama and other Democrats for their hypocrisy in not following through on their rhetoric.


    I think we see the answer right here:

    That being said I give credit to those to talk positively, and don’t bash me, about gay rights as opposed to those like Cornyn who claim to ‘respect’ me but want to pass laws that make me a criminal for being gay and fully supporting the Texas GOP.

    Oh, I see. Before you were a bigot and a homophobe if you pushed bans on gay-sex marriage, condemned gays on religious grounds, and discriminated against gays in employment. Now it’s OK, you can do all of those things, as long as you “talk positively” and “don’t bash” gay people.

    Since whether or not you are “pro-gay” or “anti-gay” seems to fluctuate based solely on political affiliation, let’s just call your behavior what it is: a childish and irrational attempt to justify your bigotry using your minority status.

  15. posted by DragonScorpion on

    I suppose I qualify as a “progressive”, because I believe in progress, not regress, and I’m more moderate than radical, so I don’t consider myself a liberal.

    So Sen. Cornyn spoke at the Log Cabin Republicans 2010 National Dinner. How swell. I suppose I will let what the Log Cabin Republicans have done for the homosexual community attest to the value of his making an appearance at their formal gathering to gloat on their accomplishments.

    You were most definitely right about one thing, Mr. Miller, the Democrats are better on gay issues than the Republicans. Something I don’t tend to forget when it comes to election time. A shame that so many homosexual (or supposed homosexual) partisans have such a difficult time accepting that reality. But then most of those persons don’t actually care about issues that are important to the homosexual community, they just want more Republican control of government. And most of these same folks hold us (all of us) in obvious stern condemnation, but still expect obeisance.

    I’m not sure just how much someone can “respect the dignity” of persons “regardless of sexual orientation” when they also believe that sexual orientation should be a disqualifier to serve one’s country or have access to something as basic as marrying the partner who has chosen to spend the rest of their life with them, but I suppose we should at least give him points for mouthing the words “dignity” and “sexual orientation” in the same paragraph. At least he didn’t deride it as a ‘lifestyle choice’.

    I will grant you one other point in which you are most certainly correct, Mr. Miller, the homosexual community will not achieve (meaningful) legal equality until there is (genuine) support from within both parties. I look forward to the day when we actually start seeing that.

    Oh, and BTW, there is no “Obama Party”. It doesn’t exist. That’s just a made-up, childish, petty rant from a pathetic partisan homophobic hack (who I see is still tilting at windmills, posting the same old tired links from a year ago).

  16. posted by Jorge on

    I know Cornyn votes conservative, but whenever I hear him speaking he gives me the impression of being moderate. This is so unsurprising to me as to be almost unworthy of acknowledgment. Most Republicans are human and take important issues seriously. Duh!

    But it is noted that Sen. Cornyn fulfils his obligation to see gay people as patriotic Americans, too. Fine, the passing grade becomes official. Next!

  17. posted by Jimmy on

    “It seems like Steve Miller and so many other gay men on this blog are so desperate to have republicans like/respect/”recognize the human dignity” of gays. Why? Why should we be trying to gain respect/recognition of our “dignity” (I laugh writing “our dignity” because it sounds so stupid) among conservatives (and support their view for this country) if they too (like the Democrats) do not believe in gay equality.”

    You drove it home, dc! The GOP is the Daddy Party, and all these fellas have “daddy issues”. They are desperate to gain acknowledgment so they worship authoritarianism wherever they see it. The thing is, it’s kind of sick, because the Daddy Party is as cold, dispassionate, disinterested, and unengaged towards them as their own daddies where.

    Who’s your daddy?!

  18. posted by on

    I haven’t read most of the comments so I apologize if I’m restating something already said.

    I almost always agree with Stephen’s viewpoints. However, it seems like a double standard to bash Dems for being pro-gay in theory only while calling a Republican progressive for it.

    I also thought it interesting that he referenced his own post about ENDA in defending his position since this conservative seems to be doing exactly what Stephen detests about the dems — taking money while paying only lip service in return.

    About the only thing different about the two cases is that this guys is making sure he keeps expectations very low so he doesn’t have to do a damn thing to show his gratitude, while the dems often get our hopes up and then crush them.

    If two guys come up to me and ask me for a dollar, and one says he’ll fly me around the world if I give it to him and the other says he’ll kick me in the nuts, I feel better about the guy that promises the trip around the world. I know he’s lying, but it’s still probably a better deal in the long run.

  19. posted by Doug on

    NDT, you are so mature, calling me names and making statements in my name that I did not make rather than dealing with the issue raised.

  20. posted by Lori Heine on

    The Democrats do indeed seem to have become the Obama Party. During the primary, when I supported Obama, the Hillary-ites hated him and were actually willing to resort to blatant racism to put him down. But now…

    Now he is the face of the Democratic Party. They will stand by him no matter what. He has proven even more irresponsible than Bush, but he gets a free pass on everything he does — or fails to do — because of that all-important “D” before his name.

    The true believers on the Left clamored for Bush’s impeachment because he waited 48 hours to deal with Katrina. Obama pissed around for 70 days before doing anything about the Gulf Oil Spill. That’s 35 times the length of time Bush was inactive, but still he’s hailed, by the Left Borg, as the messiah of the nation.

    Pathetic. These people have lost their last shred of credibility.

  21. posted by Bobby on

    “I suppose I qualify as a “progressive”, because I believe in progress, not regress, and I’m more moderate than radical, so I don’t consider myself a liberal. ”

    —Please, “progressives” have nothing to do with progress. These are the people that want to give soldiers medals for restraint! They want a global tax to help poor nations, cap and trade, spread the wealth, and ultimately, socialism. Where’s the progress in that?

  22. posted by BobN on

    Cornyn is hardly moderate in his views about us.

    But, hey, you want to give your hard-earned dollars to someone who thinks you should be subject to arrest, good luck!

  23. posted by BobN on

    Oh, it’s even better than I imagined. Cornyn will sit down to raid the wallets of gay people in Washington, DC, among whom, I presume, will be many recently married couples whose marriages he sought to dissolve just a few weeks ago.

    I wish I could go as staff, just to spit in his soup.

  24. posted by Doug on

    Lori, if you cannot fathom the difference between a natural disaster, like Katrina, that was seen coming a week before it happened and an accidental disaster, like the Gulf Oil spill, I feel very sorry for you.

    Additionally, the government is set up to mobilize for disasters such as Katrina whereas the oil disaster is not under the government purview. Unless you would like to see another giant government bureaucracy set up.

  25. posted by Jimmy on

    “I feel very sorry for you.”

    Save it for someone who deserves it, Doug. Her pity party has been going on long after everyone else turned off the lights and went home.

  26. posted by BobN on

    Bush should have been impeached for a lot of reasons, but failing to pick up a phone? Nah.

  27. posted by Jimmy on

    The constitution won today. America haters will lose the battle they want to fight over the 14th Amendment, too.

  28. posted by Lori Heine on

    “If you cannot fathom the difference…”

    Doug, your spin won’t work. Once both events in question had happened, they had happened. No one (including me) is criticizing Obama because he did not foresee the Gulf oil spill in a crystal ball. We are talking about how he responded to it after it had taken place.

    “Her pity party has been going on long after everyone else turned off the lights and went home.”

    The ultra-hypocritical leftist shill Jimmy is, of course, talking about an exchange here in which I mentioned my unemployment situation and he made an ass of himself by showing what leftists really think of unemployed people.

    Of course that was immediately spun into being a “pity party.” It’s what these people do. They are liars, and cannot be expected to do anything other than lie and spin.

    The leftist trolls on this blog were exposed for what they are — by a lot of different people — long ago.

  29. posted by Jimmy on

    “Of course that was immediately spun into being a “pity party.”

    That shows how completely unprincipled you still are. I’ve been laid-off and temporarily unemployed, too. I just didn’t become a martyr because of it. Poor baby.

  30. posted by another steve on

    this conservative seems to be doing exactly what Stephen detests about the dems — taking money while paying only lip service in return.

    As pointed out already, the Democrats promised passage of ENDA and solicited gay dollars based on that promise. To have no strategy and to lie about it, saying its because Republicans would filibuster (when there are two GOP co-sponsors in the senate, and so no GOP filibuster is possible), is what is so evil.

    Republicans never promised to pass ENDA, and never took money based on that promise. That’s why the Democrats are corrupt hypocrites.

  31. posted by Jorge on

    Oh, it’s even better than I imagined. Cornyn will sit down to raid the wallets of gay people in Washington, DC…

    That is an extremely nasty and cynical comment. Also that semi-pornographic link was offensive and I would have appreciated a warning. That’s my only objection.

    Ok. I have a question for the conservatives. Is trying to win support among straight (super)conservative republicans based off some sort of childish need or want?

    No, dear, it’s a symptom of intelligence and refinement.

    I think Bobby spoke for a lot of people when he said even a chair is better than Obama. If you don’t understand that sentiment, I’m afraid this conversation is at an end.

    Personally (as I am not a conservative), I see winning concessions from “staunch conservatives” as both a symptom and a method of winning the support of society as a whole.

    Anyway, I’ve changed my mind. The timing of this event surprises me because the Log Cabin Republicans have become less powerful and we’ve seen the emerence of GOProud, which toes the party line more often. Has he met with GOProud? If not, why not?

  32. posted by Lori Heine on

    “I just didn’t become a martyr because of it. Poor baby.”

    More spin. Additional dishonesty. How does having mentioned one’s situation automatically mean one is “becoming a martyr?”

    No explanation will be forthcoming. Of course.

    If that is true, then by that same standard you have become one as well.

    No, my description of my situation was mischaracterized as a “pity party” simply because, Jimmy, I disagreed with your leftist stance and you had to react like a nasty little bitch.

    The opposition must be demonized and slandered at all costs.

    If the Left really is “winning,” as they claim, it’s interesting to speculate why they must be so shrill, desperate and hysterical.

  33. posted by Jimmy on

    “Also that semi-pornographic link was offensive and I would have appreciated a warning. That’s my only objection.”

    While I doubt that you could not possibly be more banal, you may well prove me wrong.

  34. posted by Jimmy on

    “desperate and hysterical.”

    No one in my vicinity is desperate, sweetie. Dream on.

  35. posted by Bobby on

    “The constitution won today. America haters will lose the battle they want to fight over the 14th Amendment, too.”

    —You know, Jimmy, the European countries you love so much don’t automatically recognize as citizens the children of illegal aliens. The 14th amendment was created to prevent former slaves from being deported, illegal aliens are not slaves and their children don’t deserve automatic citizenship. After all, there are plenty of law-abiding people who come to this country, spend thousands of dollars, and have to wait YEARS just to get a greencard. So don’t tell me that the litter of some border violator is worth more than a legal immigrant.

  36. posted by BobN on

    That is an extremely nasty and cynical comment.

    What? Taking money from people whose marriages you are seeking to dissolve is pretty damned cynical. But that’s HIM not me. It’s hardly nasty to point it out.

    Also that semi-pornographic link was offensive and I would have appreciated a warning.

    You must have gotten a spicier ad on your view of the page than I got. Here’s your warning: gay news websites sometimes have photos of topless men.

  37. posted by Jimmy on

    Bobby –

    NO ONE should be made a criminal by the virtue of their birth. At the time that the 14th Amendment was ratified, there was no such thing as an illegal immigrant.

    You lose, thanks for playing.

  38. posted by Jorge on

    What? Taking money from people whose marriages you are seeking to dissolve is pretty damned cynical. But that’s HIM not me. It’s hardly nasty to point it out.

    I know you read Stephen Miller’s account. You write contemptously of a sincere outreach effort. You offer no thanks or appreciation in response when an opponent extends a simple courtesy. That’s what.

    You must have gotten a spicier ad on your view of the page than I got.

    Don’t play dumb with me. I’m referring to the penis superimposed on the Senator’s head.

  39. posted by Jorge on

    The 14th amendment was created to prevent former slaves from being deported, illegal aliens are not slaves and their children don’t deserve automatic citizenship. After all, there are plenty of law-abiding people who come to this country, spend thousands of dollars, and have to wait YEARS just to get a greencard. So don’t tell me that the litter of some border violator is worth more than a legal immigrant.

    R-a-c-e-to the Top and win as much education money from the federal government as you can so we can educate all school age children regardless of legal status.

  40. posted by Throbert McGee on

    You must have gotten a spicier ad on your view of the page than I got. Here’s your warning: gay news websites sometimes have photos of topless men.

    BobN, how exactly is anyone supposed to know just from the “” URL that The Dallas Voice is, in fact, a gay news outlet?

    Now, if the name of the publication were The Dallas Ramrod or The Saturday Evening Polesmoker, you’d have a logical point.

  41. posted by Doug on

    Jorge, given the fact that Senator Cornyn helped craft the Texas GOP position on homosexuality it is inconceivable to me that he is sincerely reaching out to the gay community. Those are not the conciliatory words of someone who wants to build a bridge.

  42. posted by BobN on

    I know you read Stephen Miller’s account. You write contemptously of a sincere outreach effort. You offer no thanks or appreciation in response when an opponent extends a simple courtesy. That’s what.

    What the hell are you talking about? You want me to applaud LCRs for reaching out to Cornyn? Uh, OK, go for it, guys. Maybe he’ll take some of the money you give him and fund the campaign to repeal the DC marriages you’re in. (was that enough?) If you mean Cornyn’s “reaching out”, you’re delusional.

    It’s not a “simple courtesy” to go ask people whose rights you crap on for money. Simple courtesy would dictate you stop the crapping first.

    Don’t play dumb with me. I’m referring to the penis superimposed on the Senator’s head.

    What? I had to go back and look. I thought that was some sort of box-turtle thing. Cornyn is famous for suggesting we had the same right to marriage as box turtles. If that’s supposed to be penis head, I only feel I need to apologize for directing you to a site with such poor graphics.

  43. posted by Lori Heine on

    “No one in my vicinity is desperate, sweetie. Dream on.”

    Dream on? The extremity of your narcissism is also hilarious. “Sweetie,” when I dream, it isn’t going to be about you.

    “…given the fact that Senator Cornyn helped craft the Texas GOP position on homosexuality…”

    If this is true, then the very least the senator should be required to do is answer for his actions. There is nothing wrong with making those we send to represent us accountable for how they supposedly do it.

    There may be times when the LCR toadies to the Left, but if their purpose is to represent gays in the GOP, they can’t expect anybody to take them seriously unless they ask politicians with an anti-gay history to at the very least disavow that stand.

    I’ve read the Texas GOP’s position on homosexuality, and it is vile. It sounds like something Iran or Saudi Arabia might come up with.

  44. posted by Bobby on

    “NO ONE should be made a criminal by the virtue of their birth. At the time that the 14th Amendment was ratified, there was no such thing as an illegal immigrant. ”

    —An illegal alien is someone who enters the country illegally, why is that so difficult to understand? All over europe citizenship is based on the parents, that way your European friends don’t have to deal with the consequences of anchor babies that can grow up to petition their parents for resident permits.

    The 14th amendment was about the children of slaves, the legislators made the mistake of not thinking of the consequences of that law in the future.

    But hey, if you want to live in the past, I welcome you to be my slave.

  45. posted by Jimmy on

    I live in the present, and presently the jurisprudence surrounding this aspect of the 14th Amendment is settled law, the nativism of others notwithstanding.

  46. posted by Jorge on

    Jorge, given the fact that Senator Cornyn helped craft the Texas GOP position on homosexuality it is inconceivable to me that he is sincerely reaching out to the gay community.

    Then I think you are very closed-minded.

  47. posted by Houndentenor on

    I think it’s a good thing when LGC supports pro-gay Republicans. My problem is when they back anti-gay Republicans. But I think the lunatic fringe has exited to form GOProud so maybe there’s hope of them reaching out to the Giulianis and Schwartzeneggars and Cindy McCains. It only takes a handful of Republicans to join with the majority of Democrats to reach a majority to pass gay rights legislation. I don’t see much success from all the years of LCR (a family friend who just passed was a founding member) but maybe with younger conservatives there’s some hope on that front? If they can get the Tories to moderate their anti-gay views, surely there’s some hope for doing so with the GOP?

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