The Future, Eventually

Younger attendees at the recently concluded Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) overwhelmingly thought the event’s organizers were wrong to bar GOProud, the conservative gay group that participated last year—triggering a boycott (since lifted after GOProud’s exclusion) by the Heritage Foundation and other anti-gay social-right groups, reports Stephen Richer at

And so the fight continues among those of us who see the leftwing bureaucratic-welfare state as an economic dead end and the rightwing reactionary traditional-values-and-moralism state as a sociocultural dead end. Both represent an ongoing threat to a dynamic, innovative society founded on individual liberty and voluntary (rather than coercive) community.

4 Comments for “The Future, Eventually”

  1. posted by The Future, Eventually | QClick Radar on

    […] Future, Eventually Independent Gay Forum Sun, February 12, 2012 7:09 PM UTC Independent Gay Forum Rate  Loading … Share (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); […]

  2. posted by Tom Scharbach on

    Dave Nalle had some interesting observations on Republican demographics last fall. It won’t be too many more presidential election cycles before the Republican primary voter balance on “culture war” issues begins to shift toward equality.

  3. posted by BobN on

    Younger attendees at CPAC are under the mistaken impression that GOProud is a gay-rights group. Not very bright, your next generation.

  4. posted by TomJeffersonIII on

    “And so the fight continues among those of us who see the leftwing bureaucratic-welfare state as an economic dead end…”

    Well both major parties support ‘bureaucratic-welfare’. The notion that one major party (in the US) supports socialism and the other supports free markets is just a bunch of p.r. bunk that does not hold water. The right-wing has no problem with ‘bureaucratic-welfare’ for big business, faith based groups or the armed forces.

    So, unless you are a libertarian (who wants to let people sell crack to kiddies) or an actual socialist (who thinks Castro is just misunderstood) then lets stop tossing around labels that do not really apply.

    and the rightwing reactionary traditional-values-and-moralism state as a sociocultural dead end. Both represent an ongoing threat to a dynamic, innovative society founded on individual liberty and voluntary (rather than coercive) community.

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