More Marriage.

The New York Times' William Safire weighs in On Same Sex Marriage. It's sort of a "coming to terms" piece, but he's getting there.

Meanwhile, over at the Washington Post, William Raspberry is prepared to embrace same-sex marriage, then reads "queer" leftwing polemicist Michael Warner's screed against Andrew Sullivan, marriage, and the danger of gay life becoming "normal":

"As long as people marry," [Warner] says, "the state will continue to regulate the sexual lives of those who do not marry. It will continue to refuse to recognize our intimate relations -- including cohabiting partnerships -- as having the same rights or validity as a married couple. It will criminalize our consensual sex."

Fortunately, Raspberry maintains his composure and winds up still favoring same-sex marriage. The queer left -- if it didn't exist, the religious right would have to invent it!

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