Mixed Message.

Could there be a better example of the tightrope the Bush administration is walking in the culture wars than the president's letter congratulating the predominantly gay Metropolitan Community Church on its 35th anniversary -- the same week that he placated the religious right with his support for their "Marriage Protection Week" (while, in another demonstration of political maneuvering, remaining silent on the right's anti-gay Federal Marriage Amendment -- the ostensible point of Marriage Protection Week)?

The Right to Dissent.

Andrew Sullivan spells out why the politically correct thought police are bad for gays.

Bad Publicity.

The Harvey Milk High students crime spree story got lots of media attention in NYC last week, and rightwing groups are already making use of it. This New York Post editorial calls for eliminating the school altogether, claiming that it fosters gay/straight segregation. Unanswered is whether these students were just a few bad apples, or whether lax administrators have let things get totally out of hand.

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