‘Friends’ Is Now ‘Problematic’
Support for LGBT Acceptance Drops, Say Activists Who Can’t See How They’re Responsible
GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) reports that:
While the past several decades have yielded remarkable progress for the LGBTQ community in the United States, acceptance of LGBTQ people is slipping, and discrimination is increasing, in the face of attacks, bias, and erasure by the Trump administration. This is the first time the Accelerating Acceptance report has shown a drop in acceptance for LGBTQ people.
Even if you accept GLAAD’s finding of a drop in acceptance, here’s an alternative explanation to “Erasure by the Trump administration,” whatever Trump is Hitler hysteria that’s supposed to invoke. How about this: Forcing religiously conservative (but NEVER Muslim) small business owners to craft creative expressions for same-sex weddings seems to many Americans who are willing to live and let live as, well, ugly authoritarianism. Or that the federal government decreeing that public schools make restrooms and locker rooms open to use based on gender identity rather than anatomy seems to many who are OK with same-sex marriage to be an ill considered overstep.
And then there’s this.
The LGBT activist movement has squandered a great deal of goodwill. Blaming Donald Trump won’t restore it.
More. Andrew Sullivan has similar thoughts:
The mainstream media has no other explanation than, well, Trump, and a culture more tolerant of intolerance. That may well be part of it. But no one seems to notice the profound shift in the tone and substance of advocacy for gay equality in recent years, and the radicalization of the movement’s ideology and rhetoric. That is also surely having an impact. …
As many of us saw our goals largely completed and moved on, the far left filled the void. … “Live and let live” became: “If you don’t believe gender is nonbinary, you’re a bigot.” I would be shocked if this sudden lurch in the message didn’t in some way negatively affect some straight people’s views of gays.
The left’s indifference to religious freedom — see the question of Masterpiece Cakeshop— has also taken a toll. So have the PC bromides of the LGBTQRSTUV reformulation.
Guy Benson on Being a Gay Conservative
Guy Benson says:
I’m really proud of this video & was so pleased to be invited to contribute to the ‘Prager U’ juggernaut. In this short monologue, I discuss being a right-leaning member of the LGBT community, reject the narrow-minded & limiting tyranny of identity politics, and celebrate genuine progress. Please take less than five minutes to watch it and consider my points. You don’t have to agree with everything — and that’s okay! Thanks…
Heresy: Men and Women Are Different
Andrew Sullivan writes:
Is the fact that the vast majority of construction workers are male and the huge majority of nurses are female a function of sexism or nature? Is male sexual aggression and horniness a function of patriarchy or testosterone? …
My suspicion is that it’s more about nature than about society, and one reason I believe this (apart from all the data) is I because I’m gay. I live in a sexual and romantic world without women, where no patriarchy could definitionally exist, a subculture with hookups and relationships and marriages and every conceivable form of sexual desire that straight men and women experience as well. And you know what you find? That men behave no differently in sexual matters when there are no women involved at all. In fact, remove women, and you see male sexuality unleashed more fully, as men would naturally express it, if they could get away with it.
Andrew Sullivan: #MeToo and the Taboo Topic of Nature https://t.co/GbXDCTpVgn via @intelligencer
— Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) January 19, 2018
And this:
— Chance Alert (@ChanceAlert) January 18, 2018
Trump: Year One
I'm in @Reason symposium on first year of Trump admin: on LGBT issues, for the most part, "the actual course being steered is centrist." https://t.co/ozqCy5fhR2
— Walter Olson (@walterolson) January 18, 2018
Or you could choose to believe that Trump is Hitler:
We've always been fighters – that is our legacy. Everything that our communities have achieved in the course of our history, we have fought for, and this time will be no different. https://t.co/rQ3TkGoVKj
— GLAAD (@glaad) January 18, 2018
As Walter Olson wrote, “Organized gay and anti-gay groups keep their respective bases in a constant state of alarm with crisis talk.” Indeed.
The Perfect Intersectional Progressive Candidate
The headline from Glenn Greenwald: “Centrist Democrats Launch Smear Campaign Against Young Transgender Woman, All to Keep an Old, Straight, White Man in Power”
‘Tolerance’ Excludes Gay Republicans
2/11/17 is the anniversary of me coming out as a conservative and naturally getting fired from my job and losing all of my friends, etc. I always kept my mouth shut about politics, but then I spoke out. The day before, I had 400 followers.Hope I can get to 20k for my anniversary!
— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) January 10, 2018
Moral Panics
And moral hypocrisy:
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: The Pre-Puberty Conundrum
James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose recently wrote in Areo magazine:
It is significant that some studies have found that gender identity and sexual orientation are almost perfectly confounded in teenagers who do not yet possess the mature brain or the experience necessary to distinguish between these. There are serious ethical problems with having this decision [receiving surgery and/or taking hormones which permanently alter their bodies] made for them by well-meaning adults. Given that most cases of gender dysphoria in children resolve after puberty, often with the realization that the child is gay or lesbian, transitioning children is difficult to justify ethically.