Gays and Guns

More. Powerline Blog: Children’s Crusade? No, It’s Worse

Modern Politics

Actually, former NYC City Council Speaker Christine Quinn’s full comment is not objectionable, as she notes that TV actress Cynthia Nixon had supported Quinn’s Democrat primary opponent and the eventual winner, Bill de Blasio, over Quinn in the 2013 mayoral race:

Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York. You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor.

Nixon’s beliefs include giving the teachers’ unions everything they demand, and then some. And while she’s fervently pro-choice on abortion, she’s fiercely against school choice:

“[Cuomo] also wants to increase the number of privately-run charter schools in New York City by more than 50 percent,” Nixon wrote. “And he has been a loud proponent of private school tax credits, essentially a backdoor voucher system.”

I’m no fan of Cuomo, but putting students before educrats sounds good to me.

Bake Me a Cake—Or Else—Taken to Its Illogical Conclusion

Shackford also notes:

The show ends up taking this role reversal to a weird and terrible conclusion. Grace, who hates Trump and all he stands for, pushes the bakery to make Karen’s MAGA cake, going so far as to raise the specter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) coming after them. To its credit, the show takes the argument to its natural, terrible conclusion: The episode ends with the baker reluctantly baking a customer a cake with a swastika on it.

Abortion Divide

Point: Kathi Wolf in the Washington Blade:

[I]n January the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services proposed a rule that would allow health care providers to refuse to provide abortion and other health care services to women and transgender people if it went against their religious beliefs. Also, in January … HHS created a new agency called the Conscience & Religious Freedom Division to help enforce laws created to protect religious freedom. … The misogynistic and anti-queer HHS proposed rule and new division are a pathway to discrimination and injustice – a threat to the freedom and health of women and transgender people.

Counterpoint: Michael Walsh writes at PJ Media:

Pace Baudelaire, but the Devil’s greatest trick was not to persuade us he didn’t exist, but to convince women to kill their own children and feel good about it.