“Gender ideology” has re-opened the door to expressions of homophobia in the guise of being against LGBTQ+ craziness. All the more reason why the total embrace of TQ+ by formerly LGB groups is so counter-productive.
And this:
Along with the obvious positions that Americans overwhelming reject — social and/or medicalized transitioning of confused minors; males in girls sports — the pronoun and nonbinary madness is driving the backlash.
Relatedly, Detransitioner Maia Poet argues that “restricting access of gender medicine to legal adults (18 year olds and above, in most countries) will not be enough to meaningfully protect kids and young people from being harmed in mind and in body by gender ideology.” From her recent speech for Detrans Awareness Day:
We must understand that what started as a rogue medical experiment confined to a few European hospitals nearly a century ago, has morphed into a widespread ideological assault on reality which has invaded every institution within Western society, which has thoroughly pervaded youth culture. We are beyond the point where legislation alone is capable of neutralizing the threat of this ideology to our young people. If these kids are anything like me, they will need to be de-radicalized and they need proper mental healthcare and guidance. If we truly wish to end the death grip of gender ideology on our society, as a start, we need to face the distress that these children are facing in an aggressively honest, compassionate and practical way.