More Election Post-Mortems

Andrew Sullivan explores further how the Democrats lost their way. He writes, regarding the party’s support for bio-male boys playing in girls’ sports and sex-transitioning for gender-nonconforming kids:

One thing you notice about the [social justice warrior] pushback: they never actually rebut any of the concerns about fairness in sports, which is the nub of the issue. They don’t rebut it, because they cannot rebut it, even though some have tried. Nor do they ever engage with the fast-changing facts and research on “gender-affirming care,” i.e. sex reassignment for children. In fact, they do all they can to suppress journalism and hound reporters because this subject has been determined “not up for debate.”

And so transness is sacralized, made inviolable, and any weighing of the evidence is regarded not as part of a reasonable debate but as a kind of blasphemy.

More from Sullivan below.

Andrew Sullivan writes: >>…the transqueer activists then portray themselves as merely the latest people to be “on the…

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Friday, November 15, 2024

Here’s Guy Benson on the fear-mongering by LGBTQ+ activists that’s left many gay people convinced their marriages are about to be annulled (so send you checks today!!!!):

:Exhales: Okay, here we go: No. 1) Obergefell isn’t going anywhere & I’d bet SCOTUS lacks the votes (they’d need 4) to even take up a hypothetical challenge. 2) Even if they somehow overturned that case (they won’t), Congress passed a bipartisan law, signed by Biden, further protecting/enshrining same-sex marriage. 3) SCOTUS expanded LGBT protections in a ruling authored by a Trump appointee (Bostock/Gorsuch). 4) Whatever else you think of him, Donald Trump is *openly pro-SSM.* He even hosted a gay wedding at his house. I’m not asking liberal or progressive gays to become Republicans. I am asking them to stop fear-mongering about this.

And posted by Ben Appel:

If you have an hour to spare, watch Brianna Wu on a post-election TRIGGERnometry podcast, on how Democrats (she's one) lost their way on gender and other issues.

Posted by IGF CultureWatch on Friday, November 15, 2024
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