A Way Forward

Countering the Orwellian misuse of language by LGBTQ+ progressives is also vital:

The religious right wanted to “pray away the gay.” Now, the progressive left wants to “trans away the gay,” and gay man and lesbians who defend gender nonconforming gay kids from the new medical-conversion therapy are labeled “transphobes” and “TERFS”—or worse.

11 Comments for “A Way Forward”

  1. posted by Edward TJ Brown on


  2. posted by Agee on

    To: Edward TJ Brown

    Again, as in response to your previous comments that consist solely of dismissive snark, do you have an objection you’re capable of expressing or a counter-argument you’d like to make?

  3. posted by Edward TJ Brown on

    Yes, I do.

    • posted by Agee on

      I’m sure you think that’s very clever, but your inability to express anything other than inane nasty comments is revealing, and what it reveals isn’t flattering.

  4. posted by Edward TJ Brown on

    The way forward seems to be labeling most Democrats as pinko-commies and ordering everyone to vote Republican.

    • posted by Agee on

      He’s hardly “ordering everyone to vote Republican” or branding all Democrats as “pinko commies.” Brad is making a case against extreme positions on gender and free speech, for example, taken by progressive activists, and that these positions are hurting gay kids and women, and are not supported by most voters.

  5. posted by Edward TJ Brown on

    No, not really no.

  6. posted by Edward TJ Brown on

    OK, let us dance!

    1. I would agree with Brad Polumbo that a self-employed or small-time baker (or website designer) should not be compelled by law to contract with any couple planning their wedding if the baker or website designer has some sort of sincere free speech objection.

    2. I disagree with efforts to “divorce” the transgender population from the LGBT population. It is almost always malicious and needlessly cruel.

    3. I am a capitalist (as are most Americans), but I do not confuse capitalism with economic anarchy or libertarian wet dreams.

    • posted by Agee on

      So, Edward TJ Brown, you _can_ make an argument rather than just spewing out hateful insults. Is this going to last or just a one-on? Guess we’ll see.

  7. posted by Edward TJ Brown on

    “So, Edward TJ Brown, you _can_ make an argument rather than just spewing out hateful insults. Is this going to last or just a one-on? Guess we’ll see.”

    Personal insults? Nope, just a love of America, God, and more America!

    The better way forward would be through the center-left. Respect for equal civil and political rights and also respect for the First Amendment expressive/associative rights.

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