When working on 2022 article about transgender athletes & elite sports, I called GLAAD. Their officials tried to tell me who I should NOT interview and that I should not "platform" tennis great and gay pioneer Martina Navratilova because her views ran counter to their line. https://t.co/xSWIRsbPXz
— Michael Powell (@powellAtlantic) August 24, 2023
— Wesley Yang (@wesyang) August 24, 2023
The article in question was in fact deeply researched and painstakingly fair. https://t.co/xSWIRsbPXz
— Michael Powell (@powellAtlantic) August 24, 2023
And some good advice for children with gender dysphoria:
One Comment for “GLAAD Gets Even Worse”
posted by Jorge on
I don’t like to see GLAAD platformed.
But thanks to the outspokenness of a few responsible people (*cough* Martina *cough*) I think things are normalizing. She’s not perfect, either. She has a reactionary streak toward anything that whiffs anti-gay that reminds me a bit of The View’s Whoppi Goldberg. It’s easy to tolerate.
It’s a shame that GLAAD has such totalitarian leanings. I suppose that was inevitable.