Who Will Protect Gender-Nonconforming Kids?

Hint: Not Big LGBTQ+.

More: This study found that almost a fourth of gender detransitioners cited homophobia or difficulty accepting themselves as lesbian, gay, or bisexual as a reason for transitioning.

3 Comments for “Who Will Protect Gender-Nonconforming Kids?”

  1. posted by Kosh III on

    Who will protect gay people from the relentless attempts by the GOP/Talibangelists to destroy our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?

  2. posted by Tom Scharbach on

    Who will protect gay people from the relentless attempts by the GOP/Talibangelists to destroy our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?

    Gays and lesbians, acting individually and collectively, will, as gays and lesbians have been doing for the last fifty-odd years.

    As is the past, we will do so by changing the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens, individually and collectively, often at personal risk to ourselves, calling out the lies hurled at us, refusing to be political cannon fodder for political gain, and demanding the freedom and equality we have as a birthright as American citizens.

  3. posted by Edward TJ Brown on


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