No cultural development is beyond the ever-critical eye of our LGBT social justice warriors, who have taken aim at the animated Seth Rogan flick “Sausage Party.” The Wall Street Journal‘s book review editor Bari Weiss explains that:
…a queer website called Autostraddle…ran a lukewarm review from a freelancer who praised the movie for including a gay character—a libidinous lesbian Latina taco voiced by Salma Hayek. The next day the site took down her post and published a 2,600-word apology illustrating in supernova tones the Maoist mind-set of the hard left.
Editor Heather Hogan explained that she heard from readers “who were upset that we labeled the taco a lesbian when it seems more likely that she was bisexual.” Other readers “questioned the consent of the sexual encounter between the taco and the hot dog bun.”
Ms. Hogan saved her harshest self-criticism for having allowed the review to be written by a person whose epidermis was not a sufficient shade of brown: “First and most damning, we allowed a non-Latina writer to cover a story about a caricature of a Latina.”
It sounds as if she would gladly commit seppuku, if only that didn’t require the sin of cultural appropriation: “I am wholly sorry for the pain and anger I caused you,” she wrote. “I offer you no justification. I was blinded by my own whiteness existing inside a system of white supremacy. I must do better. I will do better.”
It’s the sort of apology one might hear from a prisoner in North Korea….
This is par the course on the LGBT progressive left.
More. LGBT activists: “That’s not funny.”
14 Comments for “The LGBT Social Warrior Way”
posted by Houndentenor on
Astrostraddle? Never heard of it.
So someone online criticized something? You could find something similar (and at least as obscure) saying far more ridiculous things. Is that the best the WSJ could come up with? Not GLAAD or some other organization that at least people know and that might have some influence? Astrostraddle?
This is just too ridiculous. If I were the WSJ I’d be embarrassed to print something so absurd. If that’s the best they can do to find examples of gay SJW’s, there must not be much out there to find because that’s really promoting nothing to something.
Seriously. WTF?
posted by TJ on
Frankly, I hadn’t heard of the blog and anyone walking into the film should expect the vulgar humor.
I don’t think that this says anything about anything. Fans will debate the sexual identity of characters, but reading some big Communist conspiracy into a fandom decide is just really lame.
posted by Jorge on
No cultural development is beyond the ever-critical eye of our LGBT social justice warriors, who have taken aim at the animated Seth Rogan flick “Sausage Party.”
I thought I would have been safe from this film on a gay website.
The other, more important Gay+ News has already received my stamp of neutrality and sharp dissent, respectively. But since it leans rightist, I suppose it doesn’t set off the red alarms on this site.
posted by TJ on
The film is aiming at the “South Park” or “Robot Chicken” crowd. Let’s not over analysize the film or the endless fandom debates.
Seth Rogen ain’t everyone’s comedic cup of tea, and films about talking food tend to be in development hell (another one was suppose to star popular food and snack mascots)
posted by Jorge on
No cultural development is beyond the ever-critical eye of our LGBT social justice warriors, who have taken aim at the animated Seth Rogan flick “Sausage Party.”
I thought I would have been safe from this film on a gay website.
The other, more important Gay+ News has already received my stamp of neutrality and sharp dissent, respectively. But since it leans rightist, I suppose it doesn’t set off the red alarms on this site.
posted by Tom Scharbach on
I had no idea who/what Autostraddle was, either. Turns out it is (by self-description) “an intelligent, hilarious & provocative voice and a progressively feminist online community for a new generation of kickass lesbian, bisexual & otherwise inclined ladies (and their friends)”, with a blog, a FB page and a Twitter account.
Just exactly the kind of thing to send the WSJ into a panic. Autostraddle doesn’t have the cache of “Lesbian Hillbillies”, though. Takes itself much too seriously, from the sound of things.
I’m with Houndentenor on this — “Seriously. WTF?”
posted by Lori Heine on
I share the “WTF” about this. Does everything that comes from the left have to be regarded, here, as a dire threat to civilization?
A few silly people are having some fun. I don’t need to share their taste in fun. If I don’t, I can just shrug and move along.
posted by Houndentenor on
I wonder if there aren’t some leftist journals, websites, podcasts, etc whose audience is almost entirely right-wingers looking for ridiculous quotes. How much of this stuff do we only ever hear about from conservatives. It’s hardly having any impact on the culture at large.
posted by Lori Heine on
We’re sitting in the backseat of a car between two very unruly children. They keep swatting at each other, but every time they’re clobbering us. We don’t want to be stuck there. We keep waiting for the driver to stop yelling “Don’t MAKE me stop this car!” and really stop it.
That’s the closest I can come to the experience most of us are having right now, as far as the political rhetoric we’re hearing is concerned.
posted by Jim Michaud on
Slow news day, huh Stephen?
posted by Doug on
I think Stephen may be suffering a sever case of projection. He’s so angry at the GOP because he realizes that the GOP becoming more LGBT friendly is a total lost cause so he takes his anger out on progressives.
posted by Houndentenor on
Because it’s totes the liberals’ fault that the GOP is so anti-gay because we use our big gay liberal powers to…well no idea because the whole idea is nuts. The right got a lot of mileage out of being anti-gay because it won them elections. Now the tide has turned and they need someone to blame. Can’t be their own fault. Oh no. Must be the liberals!
posted by Jorge on
I had no idea who/what Autostraddle was, either. Turns out it is (by self-description) “an intelligent, hilarious & provocative voice and a progressively feminist online community for a new generation of kickass lesbian, bisexual & otherwise inclined ladies (and their friends)”, with a blog, a FB page and a Twitter account.
Just exactly the kind of thing to send the WSJ into a panic.
A few silly people are having some fun. I don’t need to share their taste in fun. If I don’t, I can just shrug and move along.
I hope the world can forgive both my earlier pretense and what I am about to say. I never considered that lesbians might like the movie.
I’m kickass silly and self-flagellating and I don’t think my carefully aimed arrows of ricocheting doom are worth remarking about, either.
posted by TJ on
Most of my lesbian friends like sci-fi, horror and the occasional documentary.