Good for Whole Foods: We’re suing the gay activist who claimed we sold him a cake with a slur written on it — and we have video.
Related: Useful advise for progressive LGBT activists — 5 Tips For A Successful Social Justice Warrior Cake Hoax.
On a tangential note that exposes another front of progressive LGBT hypocrisy, Whole Foods properly noted that “Out team members do not accept or design bakery orders that include language or images that are offensive.” To which David Boaz wisely replied, “I fully support Whole Foods’ right to refuse to bake cakes with messages that offend its moral values.”
More. Flashback: Anti-gay tipping hoax. And this fake anti-gay hate crime at the University of North Dakota. There was also this staged hate crime, and this one, among others. On some level these are just deeply disturbed people, but the media’s initial rush to embrace them is telling. And you can’t dismiss the culture of victimization that spurs them on.
More. And speaking of the culture of victimhood, there’s little daylight between outright hate-crime hoaxers seeking the exultation of victim status, and those who portray themselves as the victims when they bring down the power of the progressive state against those whose religious beliefs would preclude them from providing expressive services to same-sex weddings, if they had the liberty to follow their consciences.
Furthermore. North Carolina restroom hoax:
A transgender woman says she was “humiliated beyond belief” when security in Durham, North Carolina, escorted her out of a public women’s restroom, but the city says the incident never happened. …
“We thoroughly investigated the claim by speaking with bus operations and police department staff, since she claimed that police escorted her from the premises,” said Beverly B. Thompson, director of public affairs for the city of Durham, in a statement. “We also reviewed the security video, which clearly showed the person entering and exiting the restroom and walking away from the station with another person. We can’t find anything, including the interviews and the video, to support the person’s claim that such an incident occurred.”
21 Comments for “Narrative Fail”
posted by Houndentenor on
I see hoaxes posted by all kinds of people liberal and conservative. Some are easily debunked or already have been. Others go viral so quickly and other sites haven’t gotten to them yet. Yes, we should all be more careful, but I also think it’s time to bust the people who create these. Some are honest mistakes but many were created by someone for the purpose of misleading others and the people who do that need to be called out as the liars they are. Stephen oddly seems to be implying that this is only happening on the left. Does he not have any conservative friends on Facebook?
posted by Tom Scharbach on
Hoaxes? Who the f**k cares?
The Republican Party is in full-tilt hysteria in the aftermath of Obergefell, hammering on gays and lesbians for short-term political advantage yet again, and you worry about this crap?
posted by Lori Heine on
Both major political parties are rewarding sociopaths who crave excessive and unchecked power. And again, water is wet and the sky is blue.
This is NOT only happening on the left. It’s just as prevalent on the right.
When will this stop happening? When we recognize how stupid it is to hand unchecked power–power so vast that nobody could handle it, however noble they might be–to the very worst sorts of people. Who just so happen to be the sort of people most likely to crave such power.
Those who would blame one “side” or the other, while blinding themselves to the equally-atrocious behavior of their own team, are only helping to perpetuate the problem.
IGF never seems to consider that in order for the game to be played, there must be two teams. And that in order for there even to be a game, both teams have to be playing the SAME game.
posted by Houndentenor on
We could also hold everyone to the same standard. I find a lot of people don’t really care about what’s true, only what fits their narrative. Conservatives are quick to jump on liberals for doing this (and it does happen a lot) but they are just as bad. The problem is not right or left, it’s people just cherry-picking what reinforces their own biases.
posted by Lori Heine on
They are exactly the same sort of people, on both sides. We could replace a few of the buzzwords used here with those so commonly found at Daily Kos and there would be virtually no difference.
I’ve come to think that the two main political types are not leftists and right-wingers, but reasonable people and blind partisans. The lunatic circus of this election season has made me more convinced of that than ever.
posted by tom jefferson 3rd on
MEANWHILE……real life bias motivated violence is ignored,
Meanwhile, state civil rights are being gutted or stalled.
posted by Tom Scharbach on
MEANWHILE……real life bias motivated violence is ignored …
Silly boy. Whatever gave you the idea that actual hate crimes are important?
Hoaxes are important, not reality.
posted by Jorge on
Well, you can blame the liberal victim activists for that.
You see, gay America, for every Harriet Tubman you throw your pomp and publicity at, you are enslaving a thousand unnamed slave girls through your inattention and inaction. (To think the abolitionist community actually had arguments over such things.) That is why in modern times we only honor a single one, because we know that action, not outrage, is what is important.
posted by tom jefferson 3rd on
Meanwhile….defenders of religious freedom dont care about religioud freedom….
posted by Mike in Houston on
Having read this post a couple of times, it’s one of the few times that I agree with the title: “Narrative Fail” — but probably not for the same reasons that Stephen chose it.
posted by tom jefferson 3rd on
Real Bias motivated violence happens in the US and elsewhere.
In the U.S. – recently – such crimes have a good chance of being investigated.
posted by tom jefferson 3rd on
Whole Foods may end up being the first major grocery store chain in America to initiate a civil lawsuit to prove that are gay friendly or are against antigay hate speech being tied to their business.
I am not sure how much money the food store chain expects to win, but it was curious to read that and wonder what the legal briefs and bill able hpurs will look like.
Yes, some people do make false claims when it comes to discrimination, harassment, domestic abuse.
This shouldnt leave people to believe that gay people are dishonest, or that false claims are so widespread, as to make civil rights a joke.
When people have faced discrimination or harassment or domestic violnce, they dont always have the support network in place.
They dont feel safe in filing a complaint or police report, they worry about backlash or having to come out.
In quite a few States LGBT are not covered by civil rights, which means that even if they come forward with a valid complaint, it can still be dismissed because sexual orientation or gender identity isnt in the civil rights code.
posted by Houndentenor on
I can’t believe I’m siding with Whole Foods on anything, but they didn’t do anything wrong. Someone lied in a way that could have cost them customers and contracts. This era of people just making crap up needs to stop. I hate using lawsuits to get people to behavr decently, but it doesn’t seem like counting on people’s sense of decency is an option, so sue away.
posted by Mike in Houston on
Agreed… the kicker here in Texas is that this joker will not only lose on the merits, but may have to pay up to three times the cost of the lawsuit at judgement.
posted by Doug on
It would also help if the attorneys who take/encourage this type of case faced some consequences as well.
posted by Mike in Houston on
Being sanctioned would be nice – but hey, we’re a state with an AG under state and federal indictment, so…
posted by Jorge on
Well, the company is alleging that the employee who crafted the message is a member of the LGBT community. Seems to me they’ve made their decision a long time ago and want to stick with it.
There is also this. One of their employees was put into a position where either 1) They had to come out as LGBT in order to avoid being terminated, or 2) They had a rare opportunity to be a part of a celebration they could appreciate (“Love Wins!”), and came to find their celebration turn to ashes in a humiliating fashion. Will that person enjoy their job anymore? Will s/he ever enjoy writing cakes again? Some bosses do not take kindly when their employees have been injured, especially when that injury impacts their bottom line.
posted by Tom Scharbach on
More. And speaking of the culture of victimhood, there’s little sunlight between outright hate-crime hoaxers seeking the exultation of victim status, and those who portray themselves as the victims when they bring down the power of the progressive state against those whose religious beliefs would preclude them from providing expressive services to same-sex weddings, if they had the liberty to follow their consciences.
Stop whining. You are not a victim, however much you may think you are.
posted by Mike in Houston on
With apologies to Aaron Sorkin…
posted by Kosh III on
” You are not a victim, however much you may think you are.”
Yes he is. A victim of his own stupidity, wilful blindness and self-loathing.
I would recommend counseling but GOP legislatures are passing laws to allow gay-hating shrinks to refuse to help gay people so…….
posted by tom jefferson 3rd on
Note that all of these “da gays be lying” moments get plenty of coverage, although they arent the norm and are generally, quickly exposed.
Yet, many people still mistakenly believe that gay people are already covered by federal civil rights law.