Gay conservative/libertarian or just anti-politically correct students also know how this guy feels. For all the authoritarian leanings of the left, it’s the campus left that is the most consistently vile.
The Left Displays Its Tolerance
6 Comments for “The Left Displays Its Tolerance”
posted by Houndentenor on
So, all liberals and leftists everywhere are responsible for a handful of students on one particular college campus? If that’s true aren’t all Christians responsible for Westboro Baptist Church? (In both cases, the answer is no.)
posted by Tom Scharbach on
I think that this might be the first time Fox News has ever treated student harassment/bullying of other students as a serious issue. Usually, Fox jumps in to insist that the students being harassed “man up” and get over it, and/or denounces colleges and universities for enforcing a degree of civility among students, insisting that it is “political correctness” to keep students from pulling this sort of shit on one another.
If the University now steps in and takes action against the students who are harassing Mahmoud (as seems likely from the Fox article), will the IGF meme flip from “progressive students are vile” to “progressive ‘educrats’ are stamping out freedom of expression on our college campuses, yet again”? I hope not.
Harassment of this kind is wrong, regardless of who is being harassed. Colleges and universities are right when they step in to put an end to it. It has nothing to do with “political correctness”, or right or left politics.
posted by Tom Scharbach on
Yet another legal note from Florida: The Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers issued an advisory today to the effect that county clerks outside of Washington County may face criminal penalities if they issue marriage licenses beginning on January 6. At issue is the question of whether the federal District Court ruling is applicable beyond the county, setting up a situation similar to that in Kansas and Missouri, where state and federal cases are at different stages. I have no idea how this will shake out — I assume that a filing will be made with the federal court asking the court to clarify the extent of its ruling — and I hope that the situation won’t unduly delay marriage equality in Florida.
posted by Tom Scharbach on
Update: With respect to Florida’s petition to extend the federal court stay beyond January 5, Justice Thomas has called for a response to the Florida application, by 5 p.m. Thursday, December 18. The Court is now in recess, so I’m not sure how long it will take for Justice Thomas to distribute the petition/response or for the Court to decide on the stay. But I expect action before Christmas.
posted by clayton on
Gee. Bobby Jindal is blaming gays for Hurricane Katrina. Eric Garner was killed by a policeman for the terrorist crime of selling “loosies.” The CIA, under Dick Cheney, was responsible for the grotesque torture of dozens of individuals, many of whom had nothing to do with 9/11, not to mention the fact that Bush-Cheney started an ill-conceived, ill-advised war that killed thousands of civilians. And what does Stephen conclude? That a few stupid college students are not only reflective of the “authoritarian left,” but that they are most “consistently vile” people in America.
posted by JohnInCA on
First up: students harassing him obviously in the wrong.
Second up: if the editor was willing to fire him over it, he shouldn’t have published it.
Third up: … “political correctness” is basically the concept of being civil and aware of how words and actions are perceived by others and correcting your behavior to give less offense.
This guy complains about it, basically saying “political correctness” is unnecessary and harmful.
And the response is that he doesn’t really like it when people *don’t* act very PC to him.
Is that irony or apropos?