I found this video of the late Joan Rivers discussing her mortality with daughter Melissa surprisingly moving.
Rivers was a Republican, and as her friend Peggy Noonan explained, this is:
…always a surprising thing in show business, and in a New Yorker, but she was one because, as she would tell you, she worked hard, made her money with great effort, and didn’t feel her profits should be unduly taxed. … Mostly she just couldn’t tolerate cant and didn’t respond well to political manipulation. … She was socially liberal in the sense she wanted everyone to find as many available paths to happiness as possible.
Rivers was, throughout her career, gay supportive, and The New York City Gay Men’s Chorus performed at her funeral.
2 Comments for “Remembering Joan”
posted by Jorge on
She’ll pay for the first four?
posted by Tom Scharbach on
Joan Rivers wasn’t just “gay supportive” in the mealy-mouthed sense that the phrase is typically used when describing “gay supportive Republicans”. Rivers endorsed marriage equality, wholeheartedly. In fact, Rivers, an ordained minister, married a gay couple on August 15th of this year.
Pro-equality conservatives don’t have to put up with “gay supportive” Republican candidates anymore, and should not. Pro-equality conservatives should support pro-equality Republicans like Senator Ron Portman, Oregon Senate candidate Monica Wehby, and Massachusetts Congressional candidate Richard Tisei, who are uncompromising in their support for “equal means equal” and willing to come right out and say so to Republicans.