
Support the Independent Gay Forum

Since our founding in the 1990s, IGF has established itself as the web's unrivaled home for libertarian, centrist, and conservative ideas on contemporary gay issues. As a volunteer-based organization with a budget in the four figures, we're one of the most frugal and efficient non-profits around. And it's the contributions of friends and readers that sustain us.

Support from readers helped us migrate to modern publishing software, a major upgrade. Now that we're using professional web design and support, contributions are more important than ever. And your help will allow us to continue to improve.

Donations to IGF are tax-deductible.

There are two ways to donate:

1. Donate online

Donations are processed by our transaction partner, CollegeNet, via

You will be returned to the IGF web site when you are done.

2. Donate by mail

Contributions by check or money order may be made to:

Independent Gay Forum
1000 Venetian Way, 9th Floor
Miami, FL 33139
We are grateful for your support! If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please contact us at

IGF, Inc., is registered in the State of Florida. As such, to meet their legislative reguirements, we wish to inform you that our registration number with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is SC-10945, that no percentage of your income is retained by any professional solicitor, and that 100% of your contribution goes to the work of IGF. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAIINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE WITHIN THE STATE (800-435-7352). REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION OF THE STATE.

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