Dueling Ads.

In Wednesday's Washington Post, the group Campaign to Protect the Constitution ran a nearly full-page ad urging defeat of the anti-gay Federal Marriage Amendment, signed by a number of presidential offspring: Ron Reagan; Jack, Chip, Jeff & Amy Carter; Lynda Johnson Robb & Luci Baines Johnson; and Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (granddaughter of FDR and Eleanor). But where is Chelsea? Not among those willing to take a stand when it matters, apparently. Looks like it runs in the family.

Meanwhile, the anti-gay ex-gays at Exodus International are running a pro-amendment newspaper ad, which can be downloaded if you've a fast Internet connection -- and a strong stomach. It features a beaming mixed-gender couple, with the man proclaiming: "By finding my way out of a gay identity, I found the love of my life in the process. Gay marriage would only have blinded me to such an incredible joy." But catch his expression -- it's as downright eerie and 'unnatural' as any I've ever seen.

From the Blogsphere.

Tim Hulsey, a gay conservative whose blog is My Stupid Dog, responds convincingly to a charge that the gay male esthetic is inevitably linked to fascism (a smear that anti-gays like to hurl every once in a while).

And blogger KipEsquire (he signs it as one name), in an item titled Heather Needs Two Therapists, takes on anti-gay conservative Maggie Gallagher's latest hit piece, wherein she finds an adult child raised by gay parents who is very, very bitter (and, of course, extrapolates this ludicrously to all children raised by gay parents, as if there were never any unhappy, hetero raised offspring!).

Our Mailbag.

We've posted a new batch of letters, including a look at the folly of trying to reason with unreasonable conservatives, and a gay libertarian's take on Michael Moore. Check 'em out.

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