Not Exactly A Paid Advertisement

I don’t know if either of these ads will make it to network television, much less the Super Bowl; but I know that I, for one, will be eating more Doritos.

3 Comments for “Not Exactly A Paid Advertisement”

  1. posted by Jorge on

    I won’t say it.

    Except that maybe I’ll eat less. They just barely avoid being tasteless.

  2. posted by Jimmy on

    The humor in these ads lies in the misdirection present in each. While I am no arbiter of what is tasteful, I see the ads as harmless, fairly tame, and funny.

  3. posted by h8 str8s on

    No joke by a str8, involving gays in any way, is ever anything but homophobic. Sure, laugh, if you are self-loathing.

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