Red Families, Blue Families, Gay Families, and the Search for a New Normal

Red and blue America are at war over how to connect kids, marriage, and adulthood. Gays are just caught in the crossfire. (Link to article at

5 Comments for “Red Families, Blue Families, Gay Families, and the Search for a New Normal”

  1. posted by BobN on

    Someone should alert Jonathan that the Red State constitutional amendments ban civil unions, as well, and that when bans on adoption are put before Red State voters, they pass.

    “They’re good people. They’re not bigots. They just vote like bigots. And here’s an excuse for them.”

    Shorter version.

  2. posted by Bobby on

    It’s funny how people condemn the Red States about teen pregnancy, yet when Gus Van Sant did Kidz he showed an blue estate urban environment where the kids run wild like packs of animals.

  3. posted by North Dallas Thirty on

    It’s funny how people condemn the Red States about teen pregnancy, yet when Gus Van Sant did Kidz he showed an blue estate urban environment where the kids run wild like packs of animals.

    That would be because, Bobby, gay bigots like BobN cannot apply the same standards to conservatives that they do to liberals.

    In blue state urban environments, teen pregnancy and uneducated children are the result of liberal promiscuity, liberal “education”, and liberal ideology. The fact that the teen pregnancy rate among black teens is nearly triple that of white teens is one of the things that demonstrates the hypocrisy of liberal leftists; they attack the latter while making excuses for the former.

  4. posted by Bobby on

    Those are really great points, ND30. Liberals are so self-righteous when something goes wrong in the South, but when some black kid is being abused because his crack-addicted mother doesn’t give a damn about him, then it’s c’est la vie for the progressives.

  5. posted by Amicus on

    Top quality political writing.

    Meanwhile, something didn’t set right with me about the tensions “red world” families face to their worldview.

    For one, I don’t sense that they feel left behind, economically, without an advanced degree, whether they are or not. Am I wrong?

    Indeed, what the right wing economists are pushing is that the American economy can still deliver subsistence-wage jobs to everyone, married, with a high school degree.

    The debate (or rehash, depending on your perspective) is going on now over at Andrew Sullivan’s blog, related to this review:

    And this quote:

    “One of the most sobering observations made by [author Amy] Wax comes in the form of a disarmingly simple calculus presented first by Isabel Sawhill and Christopher Jencks. If you finish high school and keep a job without having children before marriage, you will almost certainly not be poor. Period. I have repeatedly felt the air go out of the room upon putting this to black audiences. No one of any political stripe can deny it. It is human truth on view.”

    What is more interesting is the other topic going on at the same time, about the propagation of the ethic of “thuggary”.

    Now, if you know and understand Rove, you understand that it is today’s Rightwing that is pandering to this dumbing down, to this “hockey mom” and “Joe the plumber” attitude, no?


    And what a paradox that is!

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