Massachusetts, original U.S. home of same-sex marriage, has the country's lowest divorce rate-a fact we same-sex marriage proponents aren't shy about pointing out. But that's just part of a pattern. Across the board, core red/conservative/Republican states have significantly higher divorce rates and teen-pregnancy states than core blue/liberal/Democratic ones.
Coincidence? Probably not...
5 Comments for “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
posted by Debrah on
You’re late to your own party.
We’ve already semi-discussed this one after referencing it on a previous thread.
Even the gadfly media whore Andrew Sullivan—when he’s not inventing phony maps and bashing Israel—used this most provocative offering as one of his daily dishes last week.
I’m not sure that we should place outstanding confidence in such studies as definitive accounts of “blue state behavior” and “red state behavior”; however, they do provide ammunition for proponents of SSM against those who are against it.
Being a socially individualistic one by nature, the stereotypical stock being put into “red” and “blue” is maddening.
After all, red and blue are the two colors that result in purple.
The color of Smurfs.
Wonder how they feel about SSM and baby-making?
posted by Bobby on
I don’t care if Massachusetts has a lower divorce state, MS is a horrible state with high taxes, a bankrupt public health insurance system, high prices, high cost of living, lots of corruption, gun control, political correctness, etc, etc, etc. Having lived in Texas I can say I like the south a whole lot better. Oh, and if you try to sell same-sex marriage by using MS as an example, you ran the danger of looking elitist. Southerners hate Yankee carpetbaggers that hate our way of life, and we have never liked Massachusetts, New York and California very much, so telling us “be like a blue state” is not gonna convince us.
posted by RevJDSpears on
The sad result of the Culture Wars is the family, something that it is supposed to protect. The polarization of Blue vs. Red has, at least for most Redders, the effect of adament rejection of anything that smells faintly of Blue. Denial of nature, as is taught to many Redders has resulted in a “I do not see the problem” blindness. Instead of thoughtful management of nature, the Redders demand godlike adherence to that which they did not adhere to in their youth, effectlively forcing their young to sneak around. This early training in deception may be one factor in why there is so much marital infidelity.
Bobby is correct in that a call to “Act like a blue state” will not work, precisely because the Redders have been incorrectly indoctrinated that being like the blues, with respect to family values, is nearly an unpardenable sin.
posted by Bobby on
Interesting comments, RevJDSpears. You know, I saw the movie Kidz which was perhaps an exaggeration but Gus Van Sant basically portrayed New York City kids as a bunch of ruffians, their parents don’t know what’s going on and the kids end up having unprotected sex, experimenting with drugs, drinking, beating up people who are different, etc.
We redders see the blue estates as dens of iniquity, the kind of place where wearing a confederate flag t-shirt might get you sent home but showing the kids a video about why cross dressing is normal is perfectly acceptable. My favorite sketch from SNL involves Nancy Pelosi telling a gay guy in leather “this is a non-smoking office” and then saying “oh, alright” after the leather daddy informs her that it’s only pot.
Blue estates are funny people, they complain about hate speech and violence yet engage in vandalism at WTO demonstrations, throw rocks at the police, burn effigies of George W. Bush, wear bumperstickers that say FCUK BUSH or refer to the president as a terrorist or Hitler yet when Glenn Beck complains about Obama, they accuse him of sedition.
Besides, we like our way of life in the south, we’re proud that Texas is #1 when it comes to the death penalty, we love our low taxes, low cost of living, and how we’re becoming a magnet for industries and corporations who want to avoid red tape and unions.
When change comes in the south it comes slowly and on our terms, we really resent it when yankees tell us what to do.
posted by Jimbo on
Uh, Bobby, you had me confused there for a minute. “MS” is the abbreviation for Mississippi, not Massachusetts.