Andy Martin Gets the Shaft

It's easy to focus on the homophobia of Andy Martin's pathetic campaign for the Illinois Senate seat. He claims to have a "solid rumor" that the front-runner, Mark Kirk, is a homosexual, and is demanding that Kirk "tell Republican voters the truth."

But I see something else at work. Martin clearly has both feet planted firmly in a time when a candidate's homosexuality, real or imagined, was a problem among almost all voters. That's not entirely unrealistic. There are still areas of the country with a large majority of voters who cling to outdated notions about homosexuality. More important for Martin's strategy, there are a lot of GOP primary voters who believe such things.

The first problem for Martin is his apparent inability to see that the ground is shifting underneath him. Homosexuality, which used to be a problem is now overshadowed by the problem of open homophobia. The problem he thinks he's responding to is, itself, now seen by a lot of voters as a problem.

Even the Illinois GOP knows that unadorned public homophobia is now more of a problem than a candidate's homosexuality, which is why they had to distance themselves from him. And that is the second, and more important battle that Martin is having. The GOP is still stuck with its own position that homosexuals should be discriminated against in the law; that it is good for society to discriminate. But they have to downplay the natural effect of their policy choices, even as they continue those policies.

I can't say I have much sympathy for the GOP, whose public positions have created the Martins of the world. It's always difficult to watch people struggle with their conflicts, but the GOP can't credibly claim they aren't responsible for Martin's belief that a homophobic attack would get him somewhere in a GOP primary.

But from a broader perspective, it's a bit agonizing to observe the waste of time and effort. As more and more openly lesbian and gay candidates are elected, sometimes by broad majorities, the GOP is depleting its own credibility as its policies continue to raise hopes among people like Andy Martin. He had every right to expect his party would look favorably on his mean-spirited stunt. At least as important, the GOP is tacitly encouraging such attacks, whether or not a GOP candidate is actually homosexual. Whether or not Kirk is gay, the fact is that he is not alone in being subject to rumors like this. Rumors of homosexuality (or of many other things) are not required to be true to be accepted. As long as the GOP believes that homosexuality is, itself, wrong, its candidates will be paraticularly subject to this kind of smear.

13 Comments for “Andy Martin Gets the Shaft”

  1. posted by Bobby on

    If Mark Kirk is gay he should come out and get it over with. We don’t need another Jim McGreevey and I’m sick and tired of closeted politicians.

    And if Andy Martin has proof he should use it, hire a private detective, get some naughty pictures, and let the pictures speak for themselves. I hate closet cases and the biggest favor homophobes can do us is outing closet gays.

  2. posted by Andy Martin on

    Your comments miss the mark. I had no reason to expect support from the Illinois GOP. The Illinois GOP leadership is notorious for being influenced by closeted gays. The GOP was supporting Kirk, not me. I have no problem with homosexuality. I do have a problem with closeted gay males trying to mislead the public. Everyone agrees Kirk is gay. Why is he hiding the fact? In a gay-friendly Illinois Republican party? Good question. The man has a problem.

    Andy Martin

  3. posted by Gary on

    Here are some great videos of the idiot Martin is and always will be. He attacks a news crew and goes to jail in these videos.

    Please enjoy these as much as I have enjoyed them. I knew Andy Martin would eventually pull a huge bonehead move.

  4. posted by David Link on

    It’s hard to tell whether the comment here is from the Andy Martin, or even an Andy Martin, since the link uses the wrong URL for Martin’s Senate campaign. This is consistent with the characterizations of the campaign I’ve been reading about, specifically that at its best, it is not very professionally run.

    Whichever Andy Martin this is, though (if it’s any Andy Martin), I’m certainly glad to hear someone saying they don’t have any problem with homosexuality, per se. But if that’s true, then wouldn’t a better course be to urge the GOP to abandon its increasingly covert opposition to gay equality, so that gay GOP candidates would feel free to come out, and not fear being punished, or at least silenced, by the party, as GOProud is now going through in sponsoring the CPAC convention in February?

    Goading closeted gay politicians into “telling the truth” is — given the GOP’s public policy positions — like urging a man on a ledge to jump: it makes the goader look pretty grisly, and it certainly isn’t meant to help the guy who’s already so precariously balanced.

  5. posted by Jorge on

    And what’s wrong with being closeted? I see no need to pay attention to the damned if you do, damned if you don’t game of closeted vs. out. I am perfectly within my right and authority to know that I am gay and have other people know that I am gay in whichever way or extent I see most fitting; it’s not for dumb gays or dumb Republicans to decide or rule on.

    I mean, my goodness, is it really anybody’s business or even important whether our president is black or half-white, which state he was born in, what religion he is? People like Andy Martin need to shut up and sing. You’re not a very good or important person to begin with; your authority is nonexistent.

    And by the way David Link, this needs to be said (again) just for the sake of having the liberals and Democrats say that we’re being bigoted: on a good day many of us can think of a dozen ways the Democratic party and its liberal base are worse. After all, they post here, too.

  6. posted by Bobby on

    “And what’s wrong with being closeted?”

    —What’s wrong with being a goddamm liar and deceiver? Everything.

    “I mean, my goodness, is it really anybody’s business or even important whether our president is black or half-white, which state he was born in, what religion he is?”

    —Of course it is, he’s a public servant financed by the taxpayer. We want to know EVERYTHING about him because he’s gonna represent us. In fact, Obama was elected BECAUSE he is half-white (although to me he looks 100% black) and white liberals and independents seemed to like that. McCain on the other hand was criticized for being old and his enemies scared the public by telling him that he would have a heart attack and Pallin would become president. Even the state matters, I think Alaska is a great state yet Pallin was ridiculed because Alaska doesn’t have a high population number, neither does Arkansas but when Billy Clinton was running that didn’t seem to matter.

    “People like Andy Martin need to shut up and sing. You’re not a very good or important person to begin with; your authority is nonexistent.”

    —Politics is a dirty game, if Andy Martin is lying then he’s a scumbag, if he’s reporting rumors based on observations from third parties, I can respect that. Besides, the left has been playing the same game with Charlie Crist, the Florida governor. There’s even a movie called Outrage that alledges Crist is a closeted gay.

    Look, aren’t you glad that sexuality is finally a fair game? Do you want to go back to Rock Hudson’s era where the media hid the homosexuality of famous people? Do you want to see another Liberace suing after being called gay?

    Andy Martin is doing us a favor.

  7. posted by Regan DuCasse on

    Because of my personal associations, political affiliations and support, I’m mistaken for being lesbian. I don’t care if I am and it’s reasonable that gay AND straight people might think so.

    But the real issue here with Martin, is WHY the assumption is made into an accusation and an epithet.

    As if there is something WRONG with being gay and it’s hurtful or betrays someone or something JUST to be gay.

    When I’ve been in public debates over gay related issues, the anti gay opponent will ask the question in a tone that IS accusatory, and they are poised to see me get defensive or offended or quick to deny it.

    Surely, a public officer should have a transparent life, but being gay isn’t any more IMPORTANT than being heterosexual is in the commission of one’s duties to that office.

    And political opponents shouldn’t go around behaving as if sexual orientation matters in competence and ability to lead.

    This is nuanced bigotry, but it’s bigotry nonetheless when the mere mention of an opponent’s requires confirmation or else a non answer is interpreted as he’s hiding something.

    A better answer to such impertinence is questioning why they ask as if it’s a BAD thing to BE gay.

    Something that’s a test of character, when heterosexuality is no guarantee of virtue.

    If a political opponent thinks he’s doing something important by pressing the issue, treating his suspicions as if uncovering a corrupt and dishonest person, he’s revealing his pettiness and unworthiness for the office himself.

    Just as heteros try to tell gay people there are more important issues than equality, then the same could be said about politicians making an opponent’s suspected homosexuality more of an issue than the more pressing issues.

  8. posted by Jorge on

    —What’s wrong with being a goddamm liar and deceiver? Everything.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong to living true to your values and doing the best with the amount of strength that has been given to you.

    Look, aren’t you glad that sexuality is finally a fair game? Do you want to go back to Rock Hudson’s era where the media hid the homosexuality of famous people? Do you want to see another Liberace suing after being called gay?

    Andy Martin is doing us a favor.

    I don’t care. That is not what this is about. Mark Foley is sexuality being fair game. Fry him.

    Barack HUSSEIN Obama is Muslim heritage being irrelevant but wave it for scorn and prejudice to attract evil people.

    You don’t do that.

  9. posted by Li-bear-ian on

    I think Illinois is just the preliminary.

    I will bet that before the primary, Florida voters will see and hear lots of charges and counter-charges concering the private life of a certain Republican politican in that state.

    I understand that conservative activists want to remove Florida’s GOP chairman because of his ties to the politican who has long been rumored as a closet case (Glass Closet, anyone?)

    It should be an intersting year in the Sunshine State. Steve, keep us posted on what happens in Florida

  10. posted by Proud Maryland on

    Here is the link to the Facebook group Andy Martin, Political Suicide.

  11. posted by Scotty on

    Here is the Andy Martin Political Suicide Facebook page:

  12. posted by Bobby on

    “There is absolutely nothing wrong to living true to your values and doing the best with the amount of strength that has been given to you.”

    —There are some values that are almost universal, such as the ten commandments which includes “thou shall not bear false witness.” Gays in the closet are in direct violation of that commandment and if they see political office they need to be exposed not just for their sake but ours.

    The gay community isn’t some battered wife you can beat during the day and screw at night. People like Charlie Crist and others should have been exposed years ago.

    “I don’t care. That is not what this is about. Mark Foley is sexuality being fair game. Fry him.”

    —Foley the republican? Why? His voting record wasn’t anti-gay, the only thing that man hated was pedophiles, and he was never a pedophile anyway. So what you’re saying is expose closet gay republicans but not closet gay democrats? Talk about a double standard.

    “Barack HUSSEIN Obama is Muslim heritage being irrelevant but wave it for scorn and prejudice to attract evil people.

    You don’t do that.”

    —Funny, in a country where people get scholarships based on their heritage is not politically correct to remind people of Obama’s growing up experiences in a madrassa in Indonesia.

    Here, check out this link about the so-called religion of “peace.”

    Besides, if the liberals had no trouble making fun of Bush because he was from Texas, white, christian, priviledged, etc. I have no qualms criticism Obama’s background. Seriously, liberals have such short memories, they used to whine about Bush serving in the national guard and doing cocaine yet they elect a president that has not only not served in any military branch but admits in his biography smoking crack and other drugs.

    But hey, Obama is black, I guess that makes it all ok.

  13. posted by Christina on

    Andy Martin is “pathetic”. Is he not taking his meds? Republican Party needs to totally distance themselves from Mr. Martin. Republicans need to “get it together”, or is it just hopeless. I lost confidence in Mark Kirk since his yea vote on cap & trade. His sexual preference is his business. Jeez it’s hard to believe we are having this conversation. For sure, I won’t be voting for AM.

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